
Shadowed by the towers of Piltover, the City of Iron and Glass is a large, multi-layered city of canyons and valleys. Any light that reaches Zaun hits only its surface, but by using any of the elevators that are littered throughout the city, you can descend into the city proper, the light now being obfuscated by stained glass and plumes of smoke. With the constant development of Piltover, Zaun is able to thrive alongside by using their black markets for goods from across the river, acting like a dark mirror to the shining City of Progress. Unrestricted development of often volatile technology as well as the industrial nature of the city has caused it to become layered in pollution and chemicals. Even so, Zaunites still prosper.  


Over three thousand years ago, the isthmus (A narrow strip of land with sea on either side, connecting two large land masses) between the northern continent of Valoran and the southern continent of Shurima had the city known as Zaun residing on it. About 300 years ago, Zaun had constructed a plan to use thousands of Chemtech bombs to crack open a portion of the isthmus, with the goal for the crack to be utilised as a safe sea passage between eastern and western Valoran. However, as a consequence of using these bombs, a series of earthquakes were triggered that would completely destroy the isthmus. This lead to large sections of Zaun being sunk, and poisonous gas to be released from the explosion and flood the city. Quick to act, a Spirit God arrived shortly after the explosion and used her affinity with wind and air to blow away the gas, preventing the people of Zaun from being killed off further. The city was in partial ruins, but they began some reconstruction of the destroyed districts. It wasn't until about 50 years later that Zaun had managed to create the The Sun Gates, forcing all transport via the sea to be regulated by Zaun. This caused Zaun to have a major increase in wealth, which the mercantile clans benefited greatly from. So greatly in fact, that with the help from a select few Zaun scientists, as well as some from other regions of Runeterra, parts of Zaun were elevated into a grander part of the city. This was known as Piltover.
  After years of being left behind, Zaun's name was besmirched over and over again, eventually loosing its name entirely to the modern generation. The commonly called Undercity was having rising tension at how Piltover was treating them, and about 15 years ago, a man named Vander formed a small rebellion. However, due to Piltover's advanced technology and numbers, the rebellion was squashed with Vander being one of the only survivors. Due to reasons unknown to most, Vander changed his perception on how he dealt with Piltover. He now strived to keep the peace, taking an almost leadership position and taking over The Last Drop. This peace was less than ideal, but most respected it. However, living conditions in the Undercity never changed. It is because of this that many believe is how Silco is in charge; he had a quiet rebellion against Vander and took over The Last Drop, and by extension, the Lanes.
  Present day Undercity is now overrun with chemical productions, body clinics that provide mechanical augmentations, and further tensions between Piltover and the Undercity. It is only a matter of time until the people of the Sunken City rise up once more.


While the rest of Runeterra view Zaunites as self-centred, the people of the Undercity think of themselves simply as having pride for their city and themselves. They view themselves to be some of the freest people in Runeterra as they can do as they please. A direct result of this is that the city never sleeps, it is constantly active. If someone wants something, there is undoubtably a seller in the Undercity. Either in a brightly lit, neon shop, or a shady seller in an alley, you can always find someone willing to buy or sell anything. Espionage and sabotage is common practice here, and tourists often pay extortionate prices for the simplest things.



A day that Piltover has brought over from traditional Zaun, the Jubilee has been celebrated every four years since nearly the beginning of Zaun. The Jubilee is a show of gratitude to the sea and the bounty it brings. Now a days, it is a reminder for Zaunites of the dangers that the sea can bring.

Progress Day

Traditionally used as a day that marked the opening of the Sun Gates, Progress Day now marks the time the Hexgates were first used a few years ago. Progress Day is more commonly referred to as Remembrance Day in the Undercity; a day to remember those that died all those years ago when the Chemtech explosion sunk most of the city. There is an old tradition that involves sacrificing something personal so that the next iteration of progress can be better. An excellent example of this is Piltover itself, with the actual city of Zaun being what was sacrificed so that Piltover could prosper.


  • City of Iron and Glass
  • The Sunken City
  • The Fissures
  • The Undercity (in relation too Piltover)
  • The Underground (in relation too Piltover)
  • Downtown (in relation too Piltover)
  • Zaunite
  • Fissurefolk (more towards people living in the Fissures)
  • Trencher (in relation to Piltover)
  • Sumprat (informal and derogatory)


Primary: Velarian
Secondary: Oesish, Efric, Dulunian, Solerian


Attitute towards Magic: Neutral/No experience/Possible Exploitation
Level of Technology: High
Currency: Bronze Washers (Dukes), Silver Cogs (Princes), Golden Hexes (Kings)


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