BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Archipelago antics

After resieving the letter from mayor Clifford of Pteros the group heads out on the ocean to seak military aid from the Nisián archipelago military base at Cefali. The journey will take them about a week with good luck but many things can happen at sea.   The Sessions opens on the night we ended on, the group has just left Pteros and are spending the night on the ship. Zivil is having a nigtmare.   You wake up on the ship, But no one is there. In a panic you start looking around for any sign of you friends. The waters are stormy and the wind is starting to get stronger. You try desperatly to grab the sail and fight the howling storm. Rain is pelting you in the face as the skies light up at the sound of thunder. You fall overboard, but there are no cold waters to wake you up, no you fall. You fall into blackness swallowed into the darkness, then the flash of thousands of red eyes and you wake up.   The player will roll a D12 on the start of each day to see what happens   1: Natural phenomenon 2: Shipreck 3: Tzatziki 4: Encounter 5: Encounter 6: Encounter 7: Natural phenomenon 8: Castaways 9: Shipwreck 10: Weather 11: Weather 12: Weather   900   Natural phenomenon D6
  1. School of flying fish
  2. Mosasaur hunting
  3. Giant flock of pterosaurs that try to eat all their food
  4. Jellyfish bloom (night)
  5. Coral reef
  6. meteor shower (night)
Encounter D4
  1. 2 merrow (day)
  2. 3 kuo-toa whip (day)
  3. Sea hag and giant octopus (night)
  4. 2 Will-O'-Wisp (night)
Weather D8
  1. Clear (nothing)
  2. Rain (may have to hunker down and bond)
  3. Storm (Have to perform skill checks or seak shelter)
  4. Storm (heavy)(higher skill checks, might camsise, exaustion)
  5. Fog (so sight, might beach)
  6. Clear (nothing)
  7. Extreme heat (will become exausted if dont go slower or stop for a bath)
  8. Rain (may have to hunker down and bond)
Shipwreck.   The team come across an abandoned shipwreck beached on a reef in the middle of the sea. If they choose to investigate They may find treasure hidden there but there are traps. The wreck is rigged by a mad wizard called Chazos that has set up traps on old wrecks all over the archipelago, he lives on a small island all by himself. The first trap is a hidden trip whire buy the entrance to the lower deck. If activated the victim must succeed a dc 15 dex save or take 1d10 thunder damage and be paralyzed for an hour.   It is at the lower deck the players can find the bag of holding. But half the deck is flooded and there is a sighn saying " do you dare take the plunge? one of the players must dive down and hold their breath for 1 minute whilst swimming. They then arrive at a locked door. The door is trapped and if not deactivated the victim will be blinded for one minute DC11. Behind the door lies 500more GP and the manta cloak. In the cloak there is a note saying, good job you have forund one of my challenges//Chazos   Loot: Cloak of Manta ray, Bag of holding containing 500Gp   Castaway      


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