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Cefali (Kefali)

Cefali is the largest island in the Nisián archipelago and serves as the unofficial capitol of the archipelago. The island is home to Port Cefali, the currently largest city in the known world. The city grew in influence during the merewian occupation but quickly outgrew the empire and was one of the main instigators in the war of independence. The city gets its main income from the vast triad networks that come here to exchange goods. Cefali is also where the Nisian ruling council sits.




The city is gouverned by a councill of high ranking merchants, military and artisans.


The city itself is surrounded by a wall and the island is regularly patrolled by army ships.

Industry & Trade

Although Cafali have some minor fishing and farming export the main part of its incomes from outside trade. It is the melting pot of the archipelago and all of the known world.


The city is separated into 5 different districts   The century port   The menagerie market   The Mesis district   The vromikos slums   The fantasia district

Guilds and Factions

Points of interest

The Arena   The Tempel of Ann   Menagerie Market    Fort Cefali   The Bibliotecha   Spells of a Feather


Similar to athens/rome


The city itself is built in the center of the cresant moon shaped island. Nestled along the steep cliffs the city market overlooks the entrance to the vast ocean.


  Poor: 1sp crunshy crustacean   Comfortable: 1gp Cresent bazar   Luxury: 4gp Soaring Quetzal
Founding Date
The city as it is known today got its start late in 53 hundreds
Alternative Name(s)
Cresent city, Cresent Island
Large city
Very high
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location


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