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Cursed daughter

On The Golden Carapace bulletin board in Cefali hangs a a note reading.   Family missing Regarding the dissappearance of the family Ploúsios in the Fantasia District. Signed a Dr. Karlos.   I went over to their house on the morning (2 days ago) to treat their sick daughter but found the house empty. None of the neighbours know where they whent and none of the city guards will listen to my worries to investigate.   The girl that dr. Karlos was treating (Medea Ploúsios) was taken from her mother and father as a child by a evil hag roamed cefali 13 years ago. The hag was succesfully killed by Asterios of Chelona  the same mission that turned him into a cat. The stole away little medea when she was just an infant and decided to lay a curse on her in a last dich effort to prolong her legacy. The girl was cursed to turned into the spitting image of her mother when she turned 13 years of age. The girl was found safe in the hags hut (a basement in a now abandoned house in the Mesis district. The sickness was actually the early stages of the curse setting in and the poor girl has now been turned into a hag herself and killed her mother and father.   If the team desides to investigate this lead they must find Dr. Karlos. He opperates out of a home office in the Masis District. When questioned he will tell them the same story as stated on the note and also give them an adress.   The Families house lies in the Fantasia District a upperclass sheltered community on the cliff of the city. To get in one must show a special badge or a letter from one of the recidents bearing a sigil. Dr. Karlos has one of these but it is only for one person so the group must find a way to get all of them in passed the guards that block every entrance. He will also inform them of the Families maid who was the very first one to note the missing fammily. As she arrived to work on the same morning she found the house empty and could not get in through the locked gate.   If they make it to the house they will find a very nice looking villa (classical stone style) with a sparwling garden outside. Both the gate to the house and garden is locked and bust be overcome to get in.   The house is large with many rooms to explore. They may find clues as to the story from diary entries by medeas mother Miriam. They may also find medical signs that her father was sheating with another woman just days before in the form of love letters to her hidden in one of his drawers. There is also broken glass and wine stains in the dining hall, signs of conflict.   It is in the bedroom howvere where things take a darker turn. Claw marks scattered across the walls and destroyed pillows litter the room. In the bed they also find the mauled corpses of Mr and Mrs Ploúsios. a hig investigation check may reveal that the attacker may have come from the child bedroom and not through the open window as first maybe expected. The girl is nowhere to be found.   Medea, now a hag has fled to her old hideout in the basement of the old house, the curse not yet strong enough she is tormented with her deeds and she simply wants to hide from the world. Soon the hatred takes over howevere and she starts planning her next attack.


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