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The crown jewel and magnum opus of The Night's Song, Bartimaeus is a full-blooded vampire who serves at the pleasure of the guild of monster hunters.   Born Baelihar Aerimanus, little B was orphaned at a very young age under circumstances he never quite learned of and grew up in St. Meridan's Orphanage under the patronage of Alistair Tardivel. Alistair, who came from a long line of old money, took over the orphanage out of obligation to his late mother and only ever put in just enough effort towards it to keep up charitable appearances. Despite his general ambivalence for the children under his care, Alistair proved to be a more-or-less benign influence on them until the day he was approached by a woman called Zaleria Rau.   Zaleria approached under the guise of seeking a ward, but quickly revealed far more sinister motives. Zaleria was a vampire, and an influential one at that. She was one of the few vampires that had survived a shadowy battle with the Night's Song (then called the Vigilant Knights) centuries prior, and she was looking to make an explosive comeback. She wished to procure a steady source of blood for her so-called Order of the Wolf and believed the orphans to be a prime opportunity. Readily accepting a bribe of longevity bestowed by esoteric blood magic, Alistair agreed to provide a steady supply of "cattle" for the vampires.   Naturally, the little half-elf Baelihar, who Alistair and the other attendants had taken to calling Bartimaeus (finding his elven name too difficult to pronounce), was an enticing morsel and was quickly taken in by the "program."   Zaleria saw potential in B's elven blood and so, in addition to feeding on him, trained him in the ways of magic and combat with the intention of turning him into a vampire under her control. And so, when B was little older than 20, he underwent the transformation and served as a vampire spawn for decades, becoming one of the Order of the Wolf's most fearsome assets, proving particularly devastating in the early days of their assault on Crucible in 816 EP.   Bartimaeus's service to Zaleria ended abruptly when the Night's Song was successfully able to infiltrate Zaleria's lair and nearly slew her. In an act of desperation, Zaleria allowed B to draw blood from her, giving him a massive boost in power as well as free will. This served its purpose as a distraction and Zaleria was able to escape, but Bartimaeus made a break for it as well, severing himself from the Order of the Wolf and going on the run.   After he got himself settled in the estate of a frail, ailing widow, he set his mind to one thing: revenge. He wished to repay Alistair Tardivel for the life he had inflicted upon him. What's more, Alistair was still partnered with Zaleria. B could not rest until he had made him pay for his crimes. B also "freed" his fellow orphans from Zaleria, who had been using them as cattle for decades, turning them into vampire spawn under his own control. He also took to turning the homeless and other scummy types into his servants as well, bolstering his numbers.   Unfortunately for B, his freedom was short-lived. Despite breaking from the Order of the Wolves, the Night's Song still saw him as an not only an active threat, but an opportunity. Here was a lone vampire, only freshly grown into its full strength. If it could be captured and controlled, its knowledge of the Order of the Wolf and Zaleria herself would prove invaluable. And so, with the aid of an adventuring party caught in the middle of one of B's attacks, the Night's Song captured Bartimaeus and conducted a dark ritual to bind him to their service.   Since then, Bartimaeus served the Song faithfully (albeit with little choice). He took what enjoyment he could from the tasks he was given, and he delighted in tormenting his targets before tearing them to tiny little bite-sized pieces. This went on until several years after the events of The Extinction War. One of Bartimaeus' closest "friends" in the Song, Venatrix waged a one woman war against her old guild. During the campaign, she came to free the vampire. How she went about it is unknown, but she succeeded in severing Bartimaeus' bonds with the Song. Some believe she killed him, but others insist that he is still out there somewhere, prowling the dark streets and finally free to live his undeath however he sees fit.
Year of Birth
752 839 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Orphaned shortly after birth


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