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Bivodan's Crown

Logira has always been depicted as the most ambitious of The Elemental Primordials, and his followers often take up the same attributes. None can it be more said than for one of the most infamous (and unknowing) followers of the avatar of fire: Bivodan.   Bivodan lived during the days of Requiem's reunification after The Antecean Empire's collapse. He was one of the small-time warlords who opposed Eero Hengellen's designs of a united Requiem, and sought "unorthodox" means of opposing an otherwise insurmountable force.   In those days, worship of the old Primordials had been rekindled as humanity sought answers to how their civilization had fallen so low, and Bivodan had heard tale of an ancient temple of Logira's in the foothills nearby; one whose fiery altar still burned to this day. Bivodan found the Allfire just as the stories described and attempted to channel it into himself. From it, he acquired great power and turned it on his enemies. The result was the Battle of the Fire Plains, a skirmish so intense that it is still remembered to this day.    Bivodan's glory was short-lived, however, as the power he stole proved to be too much for his mortal body. The Allfire burned away his corporeal form (along with a great deal of both army's men) and left nothing behind but an obsidian faceplate, which still held pieces of the Allfire's power.    The faceplate was taken as a trophy and passed down through the generations, ultimately ending up in the possession of a high-ranking member of The Heralds of Aevilok. The priest eventually went mad, as the still-potent power within the mask compelled him to seek out even more of the Allfire's strength. The priest acquiesced and traveled to the ruined temple that Bivodan himself stole the power from.   Separated from his colleagues, the priest was defeated before he had the chance to repeat Bivodan's work by Eladan and his travelling companions. Intrigued by the implications of the mask, the Beltaine sorcerer took the mask as his own and eventually cleansed it of its less "helpful" properties. When Eladan relinquished his mortal body to merge with the Allfire, he bestowed the mask upon his fellow Beltaine, the wizard Nefari.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The mask holds a spark of the Allfire, which it either transfers onto its wearer or amplifies the latent Allfire already within them should a Beltaine be the one wearing it. In the past, this amplification came with a lethal drawback: When a beltaine underwent their fiery transformation, it would trigger a feedback loop between the mask and its wearer that would ultimately result in the complete incineration of the wearer. Fortunately, Eladan was able to break this particular aspect of the mask, and now it merely operates as a conduit for the Allfire and can cast a number of spells and other magic effects from its innate power.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
319 EP
Duplicates of the mask have been made, but there is only one true crown.


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