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Brynn's Island

Colloquially known as "The Mystic Isle" or "The Timeless Island," the island where the archmage Lonelei (aka Brynn) spent his self-imposed exile with his followers has long been a subject of mythical discussion, even in Brynn's time. The supernatural reputation of the island is owed to its housing of an extradimmensional Foci that takes the form of a reflecting pool in the depths of the island. Its power extends throughout the island and beyond, enveloping the entire area in its own pocket dimmension. This overabundance of magic that saturates the realm allows the spirits of those who reside their to nourish themselves from it, preventing their souls from withering away as they normally would on the Material Plane.   This was the reason for Brynn's longevity; surviving well over a thousand years within the monastery he built there. Over the centuries, people came and went from the island, with even some of his original followers remaining by his side up until the island's magic began to subside. Many people, like the warlock Ferdinand Tempus, sought the Mystic Isle in the hopes that its "timeless" nature would help them turn back time or return to a previous life. These particular pilgrims always left disappointed.   Unfortunately, during the events of The Extinction War, the magic of the Island's Foci, like so many others, was destabilized. With the source of his immortality waning, Brynn made the most of what time he had left to aid in the re-sealing of Cataclysm. The island served as an important location for the fight on numerous instances until its magic fully waned and the island was reunited with the Material Plane some time in the early months of 1220 EP.


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