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Despite the superficial similarities, lizardfolk are distinct from dragonborn, despite some common misconception.   Lizardfolk are a mystery of taxonomy: they share much in common with both reptiles and mammals. On the one hand, they are scaly creatures that lay eggs, but on the other, they are warm-blooded and omnivorous (again despite their proclivity for eating meat). It makes very little sense that these people came about from natural evolution, and for this reason, it is generally believed they didn't.   Much like the Tabaxi, most scholars who interest themselves with the evolution of sapient species believe that lizardfolk as they are today are the product of arcane experimentation and mutation. As for who those wizards were or what became of them? There's a non-zero chance the lizardfolk ate them.   Lizardfolk can be found in abundance in the swamps, bogs, and jungles of Archaios, making their home in the shade and the mud of old forests and rural flood plains. They live in close-knit clans and tend to be nomadic in nature; though they often stick to a relatively small and defined territory. Despite the assumption that they are lawless, savage beasts barely more conscious than actual lizards, Lizardfolk show a remarkable aptitude for toolmaking and crafting: fashioning surprisingly advanced tools, weapons, traps, and structures out of the natural resources around them. It is only their tendency towards living on the move and the perishability of their crafting materials that prevents Lizardfolk craftsmenship and architecture from being more widely appreicated.


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