BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Logira was always unique amongst The Elemental Primordials. Like his domain, Logira was aggressive, expansive, and constantly sought new fuel with which to sustain himself.   Unlike his siblings, Logira was able to more easily maintain his identity after most of humanity moved on from the worship of the prime elements. He did this through the careful curation of "children," the Beltaine. In creating a population innately tied to himself, Logira could exist indefinitely. He even created a Paradise with which to keep his children safe and out of harms way.    Logira's sense of self-preservation is what ultimately led him to joining forces with Cataclysm, who sought to bring the entire world to a climactic end. In exchange for protecting a piece of the Fundamental Avatar's machinations, Logira would be given a means for he and his children to survive the Apocalypse and shape the new world in their own image. Whether or not this would have ultimately come to pass will forever remain a mystery, as Logira was defeated at the hands of an adventuring party seeking to undo Cataclysm's work; his own son Eladan numbered among them.    A piece of Logira was fundamentally changed after the battle, as Eladan took him up on an offer that had been on the table since he first started conversing with Logira about his grand designs for the future, albeit on his terms now: he relinquished his Allfire and joined it with Logira. It is unclear how much of Eladan's psyche affected the dispersed spirit of Logira after his defeat, but it was clearly enough to change alter his agreement with Cataclysm. After Eladan's corporeal flesh was destroyed, the mechanism surrounding the Elemental Plane of Fire's Planar Spire was spontaneously disintegrated, and later, Logira bestowed Bivodan's Crown and the Trident of Fire once wielded by Eladan to the wizard Nefari, bidding her to take up the fight against Cataclysm.

Divine Domains

The Primordial Concept of Fire
Divine Classification


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