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The First Abyssal War

The Logios Empire in its day was a forerunner of human magic and arcane knowledge. As they continued to grow and expand, they sought new ways of bridging the vast distances between their cities. Their solution was to build a network of interconnected portals; a prototype for what would eventually become The Nexus of The Antecean Empire.   Unfortunately for the Logios people, their sages and arcanists proved to be overly ambitious. They were too hasty and reckless; driven by unfettered zeal and scientific determination, and ultimately, it brought about the end of their empire.   In their haste to connect their network, the Logian wizards overlooked a small but vital detail that resulted in a cataclysmic feedback loop when energy was introduced to the construct. Instead of opening the linked gates, it tore open a number of extraplanar rifts into the Lower Planes. The rifts could not be sealed before the denizens of the Nine Hells took notice and organized a full on invasion of the Material Realms.   The conflict very quickly spilled out of hand and threatened the entirety of Archaios. In their desperation, the Logios Empire was more than happy to accept the aid of any and all allies that offered, including the burgeoning Antecean Empire to the east. With their combined might, they were finally able to beat the devils back into Hell and seal the rifts behind them, but by that time the damage was done.   The Logios army had been utterly pulverized and many of their great strongholds had been razed. When the Anteceans set their sights on a united Archaios, they were all but powerless to stop them.
Start Date
Circa 450 AC
Ending Date
Circa 440 AC


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