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Mechrion stinger recovered

Discovery, Scientific


Ever since they first made landfall, the mechrion have recovered their wreckage before anyone had the chance to find anything. That changes today.

In mid-September of 2603, the mechrion launch an airborne raid on the walls of Safe Zone 1. The anti-air cannons roared as they sent millions of bullets, missiles, and other ordinances into the sky. The raid went well, almost like the mechrion weren't trying all that hard, or it was simply a scouting party. Either way, one single stinger made it behind the walls. If it weren't for the quick actions of one dropship pilot, it would have caused a massive amount of destruction. The dropship pilot intercepted the stinger, and downed it within the walls of the safe zone.     Once the mechrion forces were forced to retreat, the salvage teams were deployed to the crash site. From the beginning, the craft was an extraordinary find. The hull was made of something that was not found on Earth, or made from Element Zero, but something else entirely. The one crew was killed instantly. Nathan Armories seized the vessel for study. Many suspicions were confirmed. The aliens use gravity manipulation to fly their vessels. This explains the gravitational anomalies that surround the world now.    Those studying the vessel still don't know what the hull is made of, or how it's powered, many think it pulls its power from the energy that surrounds the planet. They are still studying it to this day.

Related Location
Safe Zone 1
Related Species
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