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2023-06-27 Sailing to Port Saru


Player Characters

  • Igneous
  • Callisto
  • Remly
  • Mortho
  • Ano



  • The PCs met in Port Flizna to sail to Port Saru in Solaki.
  • They found a ship and crew to sail with: Captain Hitch on the Wavebreaker, a merchant ship.
  • Among the ship's crew were some familiar faces from other missions: Low, Mong, Tarnash, and Sunja.
  • Igneous met a brutish half orc named Donk. They discussed battle and weapon care.
  • Remly talked to Mong about their Murid business. Mong stated they were returning to Solaki to move cargo.
  • Callisto turned the surgeon's office into a shrine honoring the moon.
  • Ano met Kerga, the bosun, who demonstrated how to repair damage to the ship.
  • The next day, the ship set sail eastward.
  • Igneous met Fauston, the lazy quartermaster.
  • Mortho explored the ship, taking notes about the crew members, the deck layouts, and the cargo.
  • Callisto performed a ceremony for Ano, dedicating him to the glory of the moon.
  • Igneous replaced Fauston as quartermaster, who was demoted to deckhand for their indolence.
  • A gale surrounded the ship. The party worked together to repair the hull, calm the animals, retract the sails, and bail water out.
  • In celebration of their success, Captain Hitch asked Mortho to retrieve her special stash of Zymoran peppers to add to dinner that night. Muli, the chef, refused to add them, stating that he did not trust the captain. The peppers were excluded from the meal.
  • During supper, the captain noticed that the peppers were missing. She retrieved the peppers and asked why Muli didn't add them to the meal. Muli openly questioned her intentions, believing she wanted to sabotage her own crew.
  • Captain Hitch handed out her peppers to everyone while Muli told them not to eat any.
  • Callisto channeled the spirits to detect poison in his dinner. He found something in the meal, but not the peppers. Remly had eaten some, and vomited it up with Igneous's help.
  • Callisto searched the kitchen. He found poisonous ground snakeroot in a small basket in the kitchen, and questioned Muli about it. Muli was defensive, denying the poison was his and stating that he did not trust Captain Hitch without elaborating.
  • Remly talked to Mong about the situation. Mong believed snakeroot came from Feather Island.
  • The party began to suspect that a yuan-ti was among them, and considered what features to look for to find them.
  • Igneous threatened Muli with his icy greataxe. Mortho ("Luna") thought she noticed something odd about Muli's tongue.
  • Muli called out for help, and the old veteran and first mate Sir Motharian approached. The party explained that they believed Muli was a traitor, and that his tongue would prove it. Sir Motharian offered to force Muli to reveal his tongue, but threatened to kick the PCs off the ship if they were wrong about it. The party decided to let it go.
  • The next day, the crew began to become feverish and sweaty. Callisto helped treat visiting invalids.
  • They spoke to Captain Hitch at the helm, who was also exhibiting symptoms of illness. She wondered how Muli was doing, and wondered if he was the poisoner.
  • Giant octopi attacked the ship. While the PCs fought them off, Muli emerged from below deck to stab the captain in the back, shouting that she was trying to kill everyone. Mortho took him out with a perfectly. Normal. Regular. Punch!
  • They knocked out Muli and revealed his snake tongue. They found a coded note on his person, written in abyssal.
  • The party tried to torture information out of Muli, who confessed to his sabotage and insulted them. They threw him overboard.
  • Remly convinced Captain Hitch to increase the party's pay for everything they had done to save the voyage. He also stole a little more gold from the cargo hold.
  • Mortho demanded an apology from Sir Motharian, who resisted, claiming he was doing what he was supposed to. Remly hid some stolen money in his room to frame him for theft.
  • Remly reported Sir Motharian for stealing during the gale earlier. Captain Hitch did not believe the deception, and told him to drop the dispute. She defended the harsh first mate, stating that he was just a grumpy old veteran who cared a lot about security.
  • The next day, the ship hit dead water; there was no wind nor wave to move them. This threatened the ship's delivery schedule. Callisto cast water walk on ten of the strongest crew members, who grabbed ropes and heaved the ship forward until they caught new winds.
  • The ship docked in Port Saru early, and the PCs were rewarded for their efforts and timely arrival.
  • Captain Hitch invited the party to join their next voyage to Port Dawnwink later.
  • The party looked out at some of the businesses in Port Saru: Garuda's Height, House of Rain, Fishhut, and Wolfrock.
  • From the coded note, they climbed atop Garuda's Height, and found Muli's contact waiting there. They caught him and seized the code key. The yuan-ti man refused to speak.
  • Many of the citizens of Port Saru seemed rather sweaty and feverish...


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