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2024-01-23 Archestrylene Zombie Extermination


Player Characters

  • Arkenciel
  • Magoo
  • Pocket
  • Ivan
  • Derulo



  • Pocket returned from running recon missions for the Murids. Upon arriving at her home in Salmund, Grobby greeted her, offering his gift from the gift exchange: a biscuit basket.
  • The party traveled to Umethrynn. Along the way they met a wandering trinket salesperson from Zenith Industries.
  • They arrived in Umethrynn. Officers there offered a 2000gp bounty if they could bring back 50 zombie heads, and gave them a handy haversack to hold them.
  • The party set out along the west road.
  • A group of stirges got close to the party while they slept, setting off Arkenciel's skeletal dog's alarm. She blasted them with a shatter, and the denizens of darkness left them alone for the night.
  • After a few days of traveling on the side road, they arrive into the wide southwest atrium tunnels, which contained a zhurkwood forest. The haphazard zombie footprints led to an unnatural stone wall in a northern alcove, where an open gate beckoned into darkness.
  • As they approached the gate, zombies rushed at them. The party destroyed eight zombies.
  • They continued up the road into the ruined city.
  • They examined the fountain with its weird statue. The fountain was positioned at a central sound focus within the city's cavern, and they could hear distant echoes from the downtown and neighborhood areas. The fountain had a symbol like an upside-down rainbow carved into it.
  • They walked toward downtown and investigated different buildings. The main downtown street had large archways connecting each side and supporting the cavern's ceiling.
  • Ivan found 500gp of gems and gem dust in an old jewelry shop.
  • Arkenciel found 500gp of stolen gems in the fishing shop across the street. The fountain's symbol appeared on what were once fish tanks.
  • They heard a distant periodic clicking noise. Two hook horrors crept toward the party, using their echolocation to search for the source of the party's noises. The PCs attacked from a distance and slayed the monsters.
  • They collected 12 zombie heads from scattered zombies that had been slain by the hook horrors. Arkenciel collected some bone hooks.
  • Searching the downtown area for a few hours, they found four different symbols distributed among different abandoned shops and workshops. Ancient alphabet text denoted some of the shops, but anywhere that written paper text might be found, charred piles of ashes were found instead. After the search, they rested the night in an empty pub.
  • They approached some fungal farms located in the back of the downtown area, which had become overgrown. They identified and collected bluecaps, torchstalks, and tongues of madness. Magoo was afflicted by the tongue of madness's spores, which forced him to speak his thoughts aloud for a while.
  • They traveled to the neighborhood region. Derulo baited local zombies (and umber hulks) with thunderclap and led them to the party.
  • They destroyed 10 zombies and an umber hulk, rescuing Derulo from the fast-running zombie swarm. Afterward they stopped for a short rest.
  • They searched the neighborhood for a while, finding more zombies and umber hulks that had killed each other. They collected twelve more zombie heads.
  • They found a large rectangular building extending from the cave wall in the back of the neighborhood. The door contained a statue of a four-armed insectoid humanoid holding a basin.
  • Magoo poured water in the basin. Nothing happened.
  • Pocket noticed a series of symbols on the basin, matching what they had seen in the city. They deduced that they needed a glass container holding a torchstalk-based potion, and poured it into the basin. The vault opened, revealing darkness within.
  • They explored inside. Magoo was bonked by a falling rock trap.
  • Each side of the vault had a series of doors. The central chamber contained a scene of a brutal fight: insectoid exoskeletons were scattered all over, after apparently fighting against one another. There were no clear sides to this violent battle. More such remains were found in the side rooms.
  • Arkenciel noticed a purple primal crystal farther in the room. As she warned everyone, ghosts of the insect warriors sprang from the walls and attacked. The lead soldier was missing the upper majority of its head.
  • They fought the aggressive ghost warriors and emerged victorious.
  • They searched through the vault, finding a compressed version of the city: more small siderooms as personal quarters, a water supply, an overgrown bluecap mushroom farm, and houses for crafts and hobbies. They found a journal in one larger room, which described the place as a bunker. They also found a hellwalker's mantle inside.
  • The party explored the rest of the city. They found eight zombies in the administrative building and defeated them, claiming the last few heads. They found a red primal crystal as well as another journal. The journals revealed that the city's name was P'rik'hach.
  • Touching this red crystal brough forth a memory of looking out over the bustling cavernous city with a sense of contentment.
  • Returning to Umethrynn with the zombie heads in tow, they claimed their reward: 2000gp and the handy haversack.


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