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2024-03-09 Grelavere Gallery


Player Characters

  • Arkenciel
  • Magoo
  • Furifuru
  • Ferravax
  • Derulo



  • The party climbed a stairway into the Smokewhistle Mountains to the location of Grelavere Gallery.
  • They entered the front door, which was decorated with a worn and tarnished silver landscape.
  • Once inside, the first room contained several clay pots and a tarnished silver lion statue that appeared to be roaring at them. Furi detected light abjuration magic on it.
  • The four pots each had a different image: flame, snowflake, bubbling water, and a lightning bolt. When Ferravax broke the fire pot with bonfire, it dropped a ruby. They broke the others with the corresponding damage types, finding four total gems.
  • Ark led down the left hallway. They entered a potter's workshop, with automatic potter's wheels, dried clay, and many earthenware pots.
  • Interacting with the pots caused two ceramic golems to activate. Each golem had a pattern matching a pot in the room. As the party broke a golem, a new one popped out with the next pattern in the order. They initially arranged the pots in reverse order, and then fixed it after retreating and resting.
  • Placing the pots correctly unlocked the potter's personal quarters. The PCs found a journal and a spell scroll of greater restoration inside, as well as a magic glyph, which they activated.
  • In the square chamber around the corner, they found four tapestries each showing a humanoid (female elf, male firbolg, female dwarf, and nonbinary gnome) and a fifth one of the view from the front door. A lifelike halfling statue was behind the large tapestry. They spent some time examining it with suspicion, before moving on ahead.
  • They entered the weaver's workshop, finding molded yarn and tapestries. Three tapestries were magical; touching each one conjured a holographic scene. The party solved each scene by magically possessing the central character and using their own skills to solve their problems. Once all three scenes were satisfied, the weaver's personal quarters unlocked. Inside was another glyph, which they toggled on (Derulo rapidly toggled it again, finding it had a 1-second toggle latency).
  • The next room was another small square room with several silver objects, including small animals, a basket of fruit, a tiny tree, and a tea set. They took everything that wasn't bolted down, leaving the tree and basket. Furi detected that the apple was enchanted, and identify revealed that it was a key of some sort.
  • The next chamber contained a small forge, several bars of different metals, a stone statue of an elf, and lots of silver pieces. They examined the room's contents and solved silver-related riddles and a silverware arrangement logic puzzle. The door opened, and they found 500gp inside as well as another glyph.
  • They followed the next hallway to another square liminal room. Inside were eight paintings and a proud goliath statue. Upon seeing the painting with a lion with an apple in its mouth, they rushed through the not-yet-explored painting gallery to return to the lion statue, and shoved the silver apple in its mouth. A secret door opened, and they found a chest with a blink dagger inside.
  • They returned to the gallery of paintings. When Arkenciel touched one of the many magic paintings, a dwarf ghost appeared with a candle. The ghost touched the candle to a painting, which came to life and cast spells at the party. The party initially retreated after seeing what happened.
  • The room reset, and they entered again. They allowed the ghost to summon the guardian portraits, and fought. When fire filled the room, Arkenciel touched the extra candle to the ocean painting, which spilled water and extinguished it. As the action continued, they fought dinosaurs and dragon paintings, and lightning shocked the water. Once all the paintings were activated and dealt with, the last painting became a door leading to the painter's personal quarters. Inside were spell scrolls and the fourth glyph.
  • The PCs traveled to the platform outside of the front door for a short rest.
  • They entered and traveled left to go to the halfling-statue room, then walked toward the now-unlocked center chamber.
  • Entering the double doors, they found a large rectangular room with a stone table and lots of high-quality art pieces. Six gargoyles and a medusa were waiting inside, and attacked the party. Derulo asked the medusa her name, which was Grumara, and took advantage of this to psychic lance her from safely around the corner. Ferravax shrugged off petrification and slammed the medusa on the ground while the two were enclosed in Furi's wall of ice. The rest of the party dealt with the gargoyle swarm.
  • Victorious, the group plotted how to retrieve the fancy artwork stored in the center room. They carved the legs off the tarnished silver lion statue, then Derulo animated it to hover. Once the silver works, ornate urns, lifelike paintings, and colorful tapestries were taken down the mountain, they were loaded into Arkenciel's bone wagon.
  • They found a yellow primal crystal among the art pieces.
  • They freed the petrified goliath with the greater restoration scroll and commanded him to carry the elf and halfling statues down the mountain. Once they returned to town, they visited the Temple of Hahalua's Twilight to restore the frozen adventurers, who reimbursed them and gave them a spirit branch as a thank-you gift.


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