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Captain Skinsliver's Log 2



Captain’s Log | 2-12-117   I captured merchants today transporting spices from Bazen Kingdom. I want to toss that nasty sneezey shit in the sea, but Toothy thinks it is useful, so he can have it. Those weaklings damaged my sails while they tried to flee, so I will patch the holes with their skin. Toothy has plans for what’s left of them. That means meat tonight.   Captain’s Log | 2-13-117   Toothy knows his stuff, that was the best supper I have enjoyed in a while. He says it’s because of the spices. I want more. Dallor and Hov have been slacking of late; time to repurpose them.   Captain’s Log | 2-16-117   I feel the diverted stares of my crew when I look at them, and hear their halted voices when I walk into the room. They reek of fear, afraid of being the next dinner. I have told them that as long as they serve well, they are more useful as sailors. But there is hesitation in their responses. They have always been terrified, as they should be, but this smells different- like cornered beasts considering their options. I always sleep with one eye open, there is nothing they can do to me. They wouldn’t dare try.   Captain’s Log | 2-20-117   There was poison in my tea today. Mutiny is afoot. I will root out the traitors, salt their eyes, and mash them into chum. Digs was able to cure me. I have commanded him to listen for any whispers among the crew. Someone is begging for pain.   Captain’s Log | 2-24-117   Anchored at the east Solaki lagoon today. Some of the crew found a cave with strange markings which might have treasure. I’ll give it a look tomorrow.   Captain’s Log | 2-26-117   BLASTED BILGE RATS! CONNIVING SCUM! SHITBATHERS! They set a trap for me in the cave, taunted me with fake treasure. My sight is fucked now. Digs believes he has a solution, that he can fix me, more or less. While he works on his project, all I can think of is how slowly I will peel the traitors apart. They will suffer.   Captain’s Log | 3-02-117   Icicle reported the mutineers to me. She conspired with them to set the trap, but now she has confessed and given me their names as well as where they’re fleeing to. While she bleeds out on the cranking rack, I will hunt the fucking cowards like the dogs they are.

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