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2023-11-18 The Treasure Map

  • Date: 2023-11-18
  • Region: Solaki
  • Session #: 56


Player Characters

  • Derulo
  • Magoo
  • Ferravax
  • Arkenciel
  • Alvin(a)



  • The party began in Fallweave.
  • Arkenciel looked for assistance with the treasure map she had acquired with other adventurers. She met the other characters in the Headtaker's Lodge, Fallweave's tavern, where Derulo was entertaining guests.
  • Ferravax arrived after her friend Hedera decided to return home. Looking for adventure, she agreed to join the party.
  • The party examined the map, comparing it to the region of Solaki. Satisfied that they had deduced the correct location, they set out on the road.
  • The road took them to the town of Risu. They approached the northern entrance, where the guards hassled them about their intentions and affiliations. During the conversation, Magoo stole 50gp from one of the ill-mannered guards. The party decided it wasn't worth the trouble just to pass through, so they marched around the outer wall and onward.
  • The party camped a night in the forest. The next day, Alvina seemed to have been replaced with a younger version of herself, to the party's confusion.
  • It began to rain as they traveled south, deeper into the wilds. They proceeded southward for two days, aligning their path to the Suntouch Spires. Finally, they found an unnatural cave that descended into the earth. They moved in, past where the rainwater drained and the earth was dry, and dried off in front of a campfire.
  • The PCs moved deeper into the cave to find a door with a warning carved onto it: "TURN YE FROM THIS PATH, OR SUFFER YE WILL, CAPTAIN SKINSLIVER’S WRATH"
  • Arkenciel found a swing-open pit trap in the hallway. She threw Magoo across while others were loaded into a bag of holding he held. She jumped across.
  • Coming to a fork, they chose left. Magoo picked a locked door.
  • The cave curved into a large dome-shaped room full of rotted supplies and an ashy campfire pit. Magoo found some coin and Ferravax collected a few iron ingots. Arkenciel made a fire by burning some of the old wood.
  • Derulo played his beast-attracting pan flute to lurn out roaches and ants, then ate some of them. Arkenciel picked up a few dead crickets.
  • They took the east path of the four paths out, then turned left at a fork. The room ahead was blocked by the door, which had fallen off its hinges can gotten stuck. Ferravax forced it out of the way with a crowbar. The musty room beyond contained a cot, a desk, a journal, and a potion of healing.
  • A locked door impeded the other path, so they returned to the dome camp room. The south tunnel was mostly blocked by a skeleton stuck in a heavy cage. A tripwire underneath it was connected to an alcove overhead with an open door. They climbed over the cage to move on.
  • The path opened into a large rectangular dungeon. Two picked-clean skeletons lay inside some of the cages to one side, while splotches of dried blood decorated torture rack on the other side. While exploring, the PCs were attacked by a mimic and two ochre jellies.
  • Inside the room they found slippers of spider climbing, alchemist's fire, and a key.
  • They used the key to unlock the blocked path. The room beyond contained a puzzle with five portcullises and six numbered tiles to be placed in an order. They solved it and passed through the barred hallway.
  • They entered some sort of workshop with rusty and dusty old tools. Arkenciel picked up a shiny red crystal marble to discover it allowed her to see through it while touched. The party found a grandfather clock with text written on the side. Though the pendulum swung, the time didn't change. They fiddled with it for a while before giving up.
  • A key hung from the high ceiling. Ferravax threw Magoo up to it, where he hung from it until he could dislodge it. Ferravax caught him as he fell.
  • They continued through the workshop's other hallway. A door branched off with a drawable tablet and a riddle. After trying it out for a bit with no luck, they continued.
  • Magoo dodged a falling cage trap in the hallway. Beyond was a locked door; the key opened it.
  • The room beyond was an archive and study. Rotted scrolls, outdated and inaccurate maps, and cobwebs were scattered about. They found some spell scrolls and the surgeon's journal, which gave an important hint about the clock.
  • They returned to the workshop and set the correct time on the clock, causing it to open into the wall like a door.
  • The PCs saw a long, open pit trap with spikes. They rested so that Magoo could attune to the slippers of spider climbing, then he walked along the walls to ferry the others within the bag of holding.
  • The path opened into a room that contained a spectator on a pedestal, a flesh golem on a stone bed, a lever and door over the entrance, and a door ahead. The spectator spoke telepathically to "Slivito", the flesh golem. It didn't seem to think the PCs were real at first. They talked to it, learning that it was lonely, and Derulo offered to be its girlfriend, which the spectator accepted despite not understanding the word. It told them that it was created to guard this room, and that it couldn't allow them to pass. The party realized they could not persuade it, and refused to leave when it told them to, so they fought.
  • The door ahead led to a room full of different coins. Alvina held Magoo back from diving in while Arkenciel checked for magic and traps. A fist-ended pike was magical, but otherwise the room seemed safe, so Magoo went full Scrooge McDuck. Derulo began to shovel gold into the bag while the halfling swam in currency.
  • The door beyond led to a lonely nonmagical chest. Its unusual lock could not be picked without a better view. They decided to leave it for later and searched the rest of the dungeon.
  • They returned to the skipped room at the beginning of the dungeon, which had a door that required a small tile puzzle to enter. Inside was a journal and a key to the door that had been lockpicked earlier.
  • They played with the "four things right" riddle more, and Arkenciel opened it by accident when she drew a square as part of a larger image. Inside was a musty room with an ioun stone of intellect.
  • They had not found the key to the end chest. Arkenciel held the red marble up to the lock to look inside, and it was knocked out of her hand by a loaded spike within. They realized that this was the trap that had taken Captain Skinsliver's eye, and was the reason the surgeon Digs had created the marble eye as a replacement. They jammed the spike the next time it popped out, then safely picked it open while peering inside. The chest was empty save for the mechanism, which was connected to a trigger glyph that spun a small gear when observed up close, like a stepper motor. Derulo carved out the glyphed gear to keep.


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