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Karock's Request for Aid



Sheriff Karock requests aid from King Arnold III Bazen to defend His Greatness’s humble village of Salmund from the Order of the Emerald Feather. The Order has actively threatened and harmed our village in a number of ways:
  • Attempted to strongarm the Sheriff into paying a preposterous “protection fee” of 1000gp per month, in exchange for the Order’s protection against local wild threats such as goblins and ogres
  • Hired mercenaries to burn down the noble Klagen Manor, causing the death of 3 individuals including Lord Starn Klagen himself.
  • Riled nearby goblin clans into attacking merchant caravans, by:
    • Assaulting said goblins in their own camps
    • Hunting game needed by said goblins to survive
    • Harassing said goblins to stoke their distaste for humanoidkind
  • Kidnapped the adolescent child of a town guard, with the purpose of pressuring said guard into distracting other town guards, allowing their agents to enter the village and:
    • Harassed our townspeople into paying individual protection fees
    • Slandered the reputation of the village’s Sheriff
    • Started a brawl with uninvolved travelers who stood up against them

      It is unclear what the Order of the Emerald Feather plans to do next. I hold two of their members in cells in the Sheriff’s office at this time, where we they are being interrogated for more information about the Order’s plans. The Order is a threat to the people of Salmund, and they look toward Your Greatness the King for help against this peril.
  • Sheriff Nelvar Karock

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