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2022-11-09 Monarchal Aid


Player Characters

  • Alystin
  • Malivette & Ox
  • Laucian
  • Callisto
  • Bryndd



  • The party agreed to visit Bazen Castle to petition King Arnold Bazen III for aid against the Order of the Emerald Feather and the goblins. Sheriff Karock gave them a letter listing the Order's crimes.
  • They traveled south, reaching the village of Brightmeadow. They visited Mayor Carla to warn about the Order, but it quickly became clear that Brightmeadow paid the Order's fee. Emerald Feather members were ubiquitous throughout the town.
  • Alystin gambled some coin over dice games with a member of the Emerald Feather, a strong dwarf named Booken. He convinced Booken that he was interested in the Order, and obtained a recruitment flyer detailing a meetup location in Kazzin Forest.
  • The party continued along the road toward Deerwatch. They saw that the village had been attacked recently; a hill giant had smashed a few buildings before being driven away. Several town guard and citizens were injured; Callisto healed a few of them.
  • Malivette tracked the giant out of town towards the lake. The party found a stone outcropping that the giant had slept under, and found evidence that it was goaded towards Deerwatch by humanoids.
  • The party found an Emerald Feather camp nearby and talked to Falbin there, who warned them away. The characters decided to leave the group be.
  • The party talked to Sheriff Bolnir, reporting the Order's involvement. He gave them another letter requesting aid for Deerwatch.
  • The group traveled the rest of the way to Bazen Castle. They purchased some simple +1 items from the spirit forge (which Malivette carefully avoided). Callisto visited Stormwatch Tower to talk about the glory of the moon, but the priests there talked about the greatness of storms instead. Laucian visited the library for information about the current monarchs. The party made an appointment with the king.
  • The party visited King Arnold Bazen III. They informed him of trouble caused by the Order of the Emerald Feather in Salmund and Deerwatch, providing both letters. The king was surprised, believing that the Order were a good-natured guild of local heroes. The characters convinced him to send help to both towns in the form of armaments and a small number of knights. The king was not willing to send soldiers, as they might be needed to defend the kingdom.
  • The characters escorted the cargo wagon toward Deerwatch. They showed the hill giant trail to the accompanying knights, who agree that it is suspicious.
  • One knight remained with the party as they travel up the road to Salmund. They were attacked by an Emerald Feather squad, who admit to causing the attacks. The party successfully protected the caravan, with the knight as a witness.
  • They made it back to Salmund, magic items and funds in tow. Sheriff Karock paid them for their efforts.

  • Non-armor +1 magic items were temporarily available at a discount for 150gp.


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