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Blue Rage Mushroom

Meginus Lindi

Trade Good


Once ingested, gain the following effects for 10 minutes

  • +2 AC

  • +2 to all attacks

  • Advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks

  • Proficiency in Constitution saving throws (If not already)

  • Gains resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage

  • Immunity to the Fear condition

  • At the start of each turn, make an Intelligence check with DC 15. If the check fails, any allies are now perceived as enemies. However, you will still deal with any closer threats first.

After the 10 minutes have elapsed, gain the following effects in order:

  • Immediately gain 2 points of exhaustion

  • Lose 10 current and max HP

  • If unconscious, immediately fail 2 death saving throws

All adverse side-effects disappear after a long rest.

Cost: 50gp per gram
Weight: Average dose is 2 grams

Basic Information


Meginus Lindi is a type of fungus. The mushroom is very small in comparison to others at only 0.4-0.9 inches in height on average. It has a ice-blue cap with white spots, as well as white gills underneath and a white stem.

Ecology and Habitats

Grows in the northern fringes of the world, such as the Svalian Wastes, Aksi Archipelago, and other places in similar latitudes.

Additional Information


It is not domesticated by many, since the arctic regions it grows in are difficult to live in, and they are also considered poisonous. However, there are some warrior orders who cultivate them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Often used by warriors in order to augment their physical abilities. Once ingested, the consumer enters a trance-like state which reportedly renders them immune to fear and provides an adrenaline rush like no other. It is considered a last resort because the user will fly into a rage so powerful, they will be unable to tell friend from foe. In addition, there are several adverse side effects after the initial battle high has passed. Infrequently, it is used as a poison, but this is not very viable because a larger does is required compared to other popular poisons.
Scientific Name
Meginus Lindi
30 years
Average Height
0.4-0.9 inches
Average Weight
1-4 grams

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