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(Previous) The King's Champion Delma

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Extremely tall, strong and tough. He can take quite a few hits

Identifying Characteristics

Tribal tattoos

Apparel & Accessories

Large shoulder guards, Long sword

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Delma was born in the nation of Garoth. After joining the Garothi military to fight against the Aumertians, he was captured and held prisoner. The soldiers were impressed with his size and were only able to disarm him with a spell. But when the King of the Aumertians was notified of the size of Delma he had to see it for himself. "Good god, he dwarfs the rest of them" was the first thing that came from his mouth. Next he told Delma that he could parade his head through the streets, telling the citizens how if the biggest warrior fell then the Garothi army should be no problem. But being the kind king he thought he was, he decided that he needed another champion for the Arena, so he offered Delma that honor. Delma accepted and faced every opponent put before him. He grew quite popular among the crowd, but eventually after 25 years the King had decided that Delma has earned his freedom, wiping his name clean, making him a freed man.

Asmo's Quest

  While sitting around a tavern in Aumertia, Delma was called upon by a mysterious and fancily dressed tiefling. Though initially distrustful of the man who called himself Asmo, he formed a crew with Thark, a bugbear monk; Synyc Dane, a human paladin; and Udoril , a firbolg bard. They had to steal a holy book from a caravan, which they did with moderate success. Delma and Thark fought together against an unnamed guard, who fought valiently but was defeated. After returning the book, they were sent to the Tribes of Ashklana on a magical boat. While there, they met up with a stonechild wizard named Mystik. They were told to retrieve a red ticket and fight in the tournament, where the winner would be crowned king  

The Tournament

Delma's first foe was a lizardfolk named Morok. Though he landed a few hits, Delma landed stronger ones. Morok eventually fell into the lake in the arena, drowning to death. The second foe was a tortle named Glent. Thark had fought Glent the night before and gave Delma some intel- he had a rune which allowed him to grow in size. They traded many hits- their natural armor being difficult to get through. It took Delma 4 strikes to take down Glent. As he lay there bleeding, Delma stabbed his greatsword through Glent's throat, ending his misery- payback for his cowardice after running from Thark the previous night. While Mystik fought his next opponent, Natso, he was sadly slain. Next Delma fought a kobold named Volric, whom he killed in two slashes without even getting wounded himself. Before that, he grabbed Mystik's antimagic ring. When Delma fought Natso next, the magic field severely weakened Natso's power and he tried to slash Delma with a dagger but none of the strikes could penetrate his armor. Natso fled the battle like a coward through a secret trapdoor, leading to Delma's crowning as king.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Won over 200 duels (1 on 1 and 1 on 2)

Failures & Embarrassments

Was captured during a battle and held prisoner for 25 years

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Really hates dwarfs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
820 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Go fuck yourself"

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