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Physical Description

Body Features

He is a Bugbear, the largest of the goblinoid races. Thark himself is particularly large at over 7 feet tall and over 300 pounds. His body is also covered in thick fur which helps insulate and protect him.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a large scar on his right forearm where he was scraped by boar's tusk, as well as a torn left ear from a griffon's bite. Additionally, his piercing yellow eyes stand out from most others.

Apparel & Accessories

Thark doesn't wear armor as he believes it slows him down too much. Almost everything he ever wears was fashioned from an animal he killed himself, such as a bears pelt cloak, a knife with the hilt fashioned from owlbear bones, etc.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thark was born in the Gallangar wilds. Being a Bugbear, he learned very fast how to live off the land and take care of himself. Initially learning from the nature of his kinsmen, he would have inevitably become aggressive and violent like other bugbears. Until one day, his hunting party was almost entirely killed in an owlbear attack. Then, a Firbolg monk named Brevir came from the woods and saved him. He adopted him and raised him at Sgaivaras, a shadow monastery. He was taught how to better defend himself but using speed and stealth rather than brute strength. Sgaivaras was already seeing its final days, and eventually, Thark became the very last student. Between age 30 and 42, he watched over the monastery in his mentor's honor, continuing to live off of the nearby wilds. He lived that way in solitude, until a young and adventurous Firbolg named Udoril stumbled upon the monastery. They headed outside of the woods, mostly because Udoril wanted to be adventurous and Thark recently had read a philosophy book that said that true wisdom could only be achieved by exploring the world. Much to Thark's dismay, civilization required something called currency in order to get by, so they searched a bounty board at a tavern for work. While there they met a human paladin named Synyc Dane and a warrior goliath named Delma. They were given a mysterious quest to retrieve a book, and thus their journey began...  

Asmo's Quest

While sitting around a tavern in Aumertia, the crew was called upon by a mysterious and fancily dressed Tiefling man who called himself Asmo. They had to steal a holy book from a caravan, which they did with moderate success. Delma and Thark fought together against an unnamed guard, who fought valiantly but was defeated. After Asmo cheated them out of platinum coins, Udoril swung at him and Asmo's strike back almost killed him. Thark tried to attack Asmo as revenge but was held back by Delma and Synyc. After returning the book, they were sent to the Tribes of Ashklana on a magical boat. While there, they met up with a stonechild wizard named Mystik. They were told to retrieve a red ticket and fight in the tournament, where the winner would be crowned king. Though not fighting in it himself, Thark tried to fight one of the contestants, a tortle named Glent, the night before the tournament. He landed some decent hits on Glent, who then ran away into the night. Thark gave Delma his supply of Hypno's Lily powder, just in case.  

The King's Council

After Delma won the position as king from winning the tournament. Thark was appointed the position of Head of Internal Relations. He gave several amazing speeches to the peasantry and built new hospitals and soup kitchens for them. He gave several important edicts such as the law banning the slaughter of sheep for food. He also began the spreading of the Treowen faith throughout Ashklana by paying the priests 5 platinum to begin its worship.

Personality Characteristics


Most of Thark's motivation is intrinsic. Most of his life has been dedicated to self-improvement and understanding. Additionally, he does truly believe that he alone can change the world for the better. But recently he has been motivated to take a student of his own and pass on his teachings.

Likes & Dislikes

Thark loves nature above all things. He respects any nature that he finds himself in, and never lets anything go to waste. He also loves food, requiring a lot of it to fuel his 315 pound muscular body. He also reads philosophical texts quite often and believes it makes him wiser. Thark doesn't dislike any particular race or species, believing that there can be good and bad in everyone and everything. However, he does consider himself to be a good judge of character and will dislike anybody who harms nature or others unnecessarily. He also dislikes laws and structured environments. Although always striving to do what he finds to be good, he will not hesitate to operate outside the law if necessary or hurt people he thinks are evil.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is very bad at talking and socializing from years of living in solitude.
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
11488 42 Years old
The Gallangar Wilds
Dark brown (covers his body)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan Brown
315 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Sit."
  • "[Incoherent growling]"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common and Goblin

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