Guadaros is a larger city in Bealwyth with the largest population of fallen Aasimar, as well as a moderate population of Tieflings. It is a holy city for the Church of Eztia, which has led to it being the primary land the Aasimar from Halwyth have fought for in their various religious wars.
Gaudaros is located on the coast in the bay of Bealwyth, with relatively warm and pleasant temperatures for most of the year. The land is flat and mainly made up of beach and grassland. Not far North are many mountains and volcanos. This leads to a build of of humidity, as many systems which travel along the current towards the North get trapped there. It also means that, on occasion, Mt. Pelent erupts and can damage the city. Sometimes it only causes minor tremors, but it suffered significant damage at times during larger eruptions.
Alternative Name(s)
The Holy City of Eztia, Aasimars' Landing
Location under
Owning Organization
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