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Wythian Island

Wythian Island is located in the central Dyrelic sea. It is a volcanic island, which suffers from occasional eruptions. However, there has not been a major volcanic eruption in many years. The geothermal energy helps warm the island, giving it a warm climate all year round. Two nations make up the island: Halwyth and Bealwyth. They have been at conflict with each other for as long they remember, and both lay claim to the other side of the island. Centuries ago, the Tieflings banished the Aasimar to the northern side of the island, which has very little resources or arable land. The only Aasimar allowed to stay were those touched by a darker god since birth, creating the race of the Fallen Aasimar, who aligned better with the ideals of the corrupt government. They have been through many wars since then. It always ends in a stalemate, as Halwythians are hardened and used to their harsh geography, but Bealwythians have a larger population and much better economy.  

Major Locations


Beniva is the capital city of Bealwyth. More info can be found at Beniva  


Canaro is often considered the party city of Bealwyth. The environment here is a hedonist's best friend, with plenty of brothels and bars teeming with activity. The people who live here take a liking to the chaotic side which their main god, Khivnir, represents. In fact, one of the largest attractions here is a statue of him, which sits 10 feet tall and is located in the central Utopia Square. Utopia square contains the majority of the largest attractions in the city, but the docks to the East are teeming with activity as well.  


Catarli is a small town in Halwyth. It is surrounded on all sides by nearly impassable mountains, and the town itself is at a high elevation. The only easy way to get to the town is through Catarli Pass, which is a very narrow ravine with a few small fortifications, such as watchtowers and a bunker (they have a very small garrison except during times of war). The population is made up mostly of Aasimar, but there is a small community of dwarves who call the town their home. The town's economy is mostly built off of the various mines located there. In particular, the sulfur mined there is a major export. Most of it is shipped to Sarton for the use of making gunpowder.  


Evonnis is not a very large town, but it is important because it is one of the few locations in Halwyth not surrounded by cliffs and dangerous rocks. Ships can come to port here without having to worry about being smashed upon the rocks, like much of Halywyth's coastline. Some foreign goods are imported here and brought to Viona's Gift and Catarli. Much of Catarli's sulfur is also brought here and is a major export. Aside from trade, the economy mainly lives off of fish. One major attraction here is The Black Sun, a jewelry store that specializes in rare gemstones produced by volcanic activity.  


Guadaros is a larger city in Bealwyth, known for its religious importance. More info can be found at Guadaros  


Karaeus is another of the smaller towns of Bealwyth. Originally a farming village, its location at the crossroads led to it becoming a larger town. It contains the famous Clesan Adega vineyard, a staple for the economy there. The contents and processes used to make the wine are unknown, but the taste is well known among the rich among aristocrats throughout Bealwyth and many of the other nations bordering the Dyrelic Sea. Clesan Adega wine is served at the local Merigold Inn, which is rather expensive to stay and drink at. However, many say that it is well worth it, with renters of the rooms there being provided with complimentary meals, access to the nearby bathhouse, and one hour of "companionship" free of charge.  


Larona is the capital of Halwyth and the largest city. More info can be found at Larona  

Mt. Eztia

Mt. Eztia is the largest mountain on Wythian Island. Though it was once an active volcano and is believed to be the creator of the island, it has remained inactive since the death of Eztia in 8210.  

Mt. Pelent

Although it has not erupted in a while, Mt. Pelent is considered to be an active volcano and is also the second tallest on Wythian Island. It is symbolic of the god Khivnir, and the Tieflings of Bealwyth would like to reach it. However, they have been unsuccessful as defeating the Aasimar of Halwyth who are well fortified on their section of the island.  


Pelentia is an abandoned ruin. Once a prosperous city where Tieflings and Aasimar lived among each other, it was destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Pelent (date of eruption unknown, but it was thousands of years ago). Now spirits and demons are said to haunt the city, so it has been years since any local has ventured down the long and dangerous path from Veca, the only road which leads to the ruin   

Starfall Garrison

This fort is built at another vital choke point, where the coastal plain creates one of Halwyth's few geological weaknesses. The fort received its name during one of the many wars with Bealwyth. As the tale goes, the fort's garrison was running thin. Its location is isolated from much of the rest of Halwyth, and reinforcements were taking far too long to get there. A breach was finally made in the wall, but as the Bealwythian forces stormed in, meteorites began to fall from the sky. The small fiery rocks glistened as they rained upon the invaders, devastating them. The miracle is said to be an act of Viona defending her people.   

The Black Scar

The Black Scar refers to both a long and deep ravine forming the border with Bealwyth, as well as the massive Halwythian castle located there. It is by far the most important fortification along the border and has only ever been taken over by the Bealwythians once since its construction. It is surrounded by huge mountains on either side, creating a natural choke point. A deep ravine spans the front of the castle, with a single draw bridge that is used to pass over it. Even at times of peace, it is garrisoned by at least 5,000 soldiers. The placement of the ravine makes it extremely difficult for Bealwyth to take, but far easier for Halwyth to retake it if necessary. People are only allowed to pass through here with a written notice from one of the top religious leaders of Halwyth.  


Torren is a small village located on the coast. The economy in the village is mainly based on fishing. There are not many interesting things about Torren which draws in outsiders: except for the rumors of fey creatures that live around the lake located to the west of it. A tourist wishing to stay in the town would be told to go to The Silver Seagull tavern. There are only two rooms available for rent, usually, they remain empty. Drinks and local seafood are served for a moderate price as well.  


Veca is another rather small town, and like Catarli, it is run off of a mining economy. The trade from here usually goes towards Larona instead of Evonnis. The people here like to stick to themselves, and there is not too much of interest, aside from the road leading to Pelentia. A hermit lives in a hut by the entrance, warning any daring adventures to head back while they can. 


Vengos is one of the largest cities on Wythian Island. A lot of trade comes through here first, as it is right at the entrance of the Bay of Bealwyth. The powerful merchant class, which usually operates under the law, is at constant war with the gangs and pirate crews who reside here. The city is notorious for its criminal underground, which the government has been unable to contain. Smugglers, pirates, bands of assassins, thieves guilds, and more call this place their home. Taverns are plentiful here, providing no issue for weary travelers. The farther north one goes, the grungier (and cheaper) they get.  

Viona's Gift

This is the second-largest city in Halwyth. The town is run off of the arable land surrounding Viona's Lake. The fields always yield large amounts of crops, the lake teems with fish, and the sun seems to almost always shine. The locals say that the lake is blessed by Viona herself, and they worship it as a projection of her. The majority of food circulating the nation comes from here, and without it, Halwyth would not survive. They say that even the water of the lake has healing properties, and it is bottled and sold to the other towns throughout the country. Unsurprisingly, there is a huge religious presence here. Several priests reside here, giving the city a large amount of power over the politics of Halwyth (being a theocracy, Halwyth depends on the priests to make major decisions). They live at the Church of the Lake, which as the name implies, sits right on the bank of Lake Viona.


Located in the central Dyrelic sea, it is abnormally warm due to volcanic activity. The southern portion consists of fertile grasslands, palm trees, warm beaches, and some green hills by the border. The northern side is made up mostly of volcanos, highlands, and mountains.
Wythian Island
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