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Vandemn (House of Derrian)

Vandemn is a rather small town located in North-Western Sarton.


The noble House of Derrian makes all major decisions for the town.


A large manor by the riverbank is defended with timber walls. Typically garrisoned by 14 retainers.

Industry & Trade

Most trade is headed upstream to the larger city of Alverton- this brings in some traders, but the never stay for too long.


Vandemn is a rather small town that is home to one of the newest, and smallest, noble houses in Sarton. The Derrian family was the first to settle the land, but that wasn't enough to grant them a title of nobility. Until 23 G.L. where the famous Jack Derrian the Bold was given the title of Gunslinger, one of the only few to be granted that title in recent centuries. Jack Derrian provided the house with much needed respect during its blossoming years. However, House Derrian has since become one of the most disliked houses in all of Sarton when in 126 G.L. Alverton was sacked. The houses saw it as the nearby nobility's duty to protect the city, but they failed and it has brought great dishonor. Although they respect Stephen Derrian, who died fighting in the battle, the heir Roland Derrian has been labeled a coward for not participating in the city's desperate defense.


Vandemn is located on the Vast Central Plain, making the terrain relatively flat. However, directly to the west is the small Vandemn river. And not too far to the North is the massive Wynburn mountain range, and the border with Delgolir.

Natural Resources

Grain, river fish, beef and dairy products, horses.
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