
Warlike Hooved Mammal

The Chafoorans are a hooved herd animal species native to the planet Beshten. They are among the leading arms manufacturers in Arcturus, owing to their deep cultural zest for combat and competition.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and Strength scores each increase by 1.

Age. Your species ages at about the same rate that humans do, reaching maturity around 16-18 galactic years and living to be just under a century without advanced medical technology.

Basic Training. You are proficient in light and medium armor, as well as the glaive. This is a historical weapon. This is a historical weapon of great cultural significance to your people, used during the tribal wars of old.

Group Behavior. Your species gets along decently well with others, and usually forms complicated social orders. You are proficient in a Charisma skill of your choice.

Herd Animal. Your speed counts as 5 feet farther if you are traveling parallel (and not antiparallel) to the movement of a friendly creature within 60 feet who moved earlier in the round. You also have thicker skin than most species, granting you a +1 to your AC.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Foorish and Widespread Proper.

Names. Ilkanor, Sutvas, Kishven, Schicoan, Kendrooma, Narkonta

Size. You are the shape of a typical humanoid, making you Medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Warrior Culture. You are proficient in either Athletics or History.

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