
Bureaucratic Gastropoid

The Etruvians are a gastropoid species who primarily inhabit the innermost core of Arcturus. They were one of the original five peoples to form the modern-day Unison Network.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Wisdom scores increase by 1.

Armored Body. You cannot wear normal armor, but you have a natural AC of 17, unaltered by your Dexterity modifier.

Age. Your species ages at about the same rate that humans do, reaching maturity around 16 - 18 galactic years and living to be just under a century without advanced medical technology.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Truz V'Etruves and Widespread Proper.

Names. Krest, Swan, Vintner, Judge, Sable, Bale, Lever

Patience. You can always retry a failed skill roll with no increase to the difficulty. You simply take your time and keep trying.

Semi-aquatic. You can breathe underwater.

Size. You are the shape of a typical humanoid, making you Medium size.

Slime trail. As a bonus action, you may lay a slime trail along any ground you move through. Any squares you move out of count as difficult terrain for 1 round.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Thoughtfulness. You are proficient in a Wisdom skill of your choice.

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