
Tech-savvy Troglodytic Mammal

The Kivik are an intelligent species of troglodytic mammal native to the planet Xoks. They are known for their sizable portfolio of technological and scientific contributions to the Unison Network.


Interspecial Perceptions

The Kivik enjoy widespread esteem in the conjoined and unconjoined galaxy alike. Their reputation is as a competent yet modest race of scientists and engineers who seem to want to make Arcturus a better and more efficient place to live.

Attitudes and Values

Kivik culture tends to lack the form and flourish of a more traditionally minded people. Their rapid technological development brought a major shift in cultural perspective: rather than remaining stuck in their own past, it was much more exciting and promising to constantly look forward to how the latest technological breakthrough might shape their future. Thus, much of their traditional culture fell to the wayside as they became entrenched in developing their technical understanding of the physical world.

Today, Kivik society tends to guarantee a level of education in science and technology that far exceeds most other species. Their culture promotes curiosity, honesty and objectivity, although their relationship with art and beauty may be less developed. Most Kivik lack any air of pretense, but are not overly blunt or impolite.

Societal Structure

Kivik are accustomed to living in large compounds accommodating


Kivik are taught Widespread Proper from an early age, and most are also given the option to study an alien language in school in an attempt to promote logical thinking and a grasp of novel perspectives.

Because the Kivik were so forward-thinking at the time of their conjoinment with the Network, they eagerly adopted the conlang of the united galaxy and ceased to use their own ancestral language, Kivix. As a result, the latter is now considered a relic of ancient history; only historical scholars know anything of it beyond the names of the planets in the Arge system.



Kivik are human-like in appearance, though about a foot shorter on average. They feature wide cat-like eyes with slit pupils, effective in conditions where light is scarce, and large pointed ears specialized to supplement their perception in such conditions.

Chromatic Integument

Because the surface of Xoks is constantly bombarded by Arge's white light, many animals evolved chromium mirror exoskeletons to protect themselves from overheating and intense UV radiation. Having fed on these critters for millennia, the early Kivik evolved an immunity to chromium toxicity, and the salts and oxides of the metal now sequester in their skin. Kivik therefore sport vibrant complexions from chartreuse to magenta and all hues in between.


Ability Score Improvement. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. Your species age at about the same rate humans do, reaching maturity around 16 - 18 years and living to be just under a century without advanced medical technology.

Group Behavior. Your species gets along decently well with others, and usually forms complicated social orders. You are proficient in a Charisma skill of your choice.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Widespread Proper and the language of one other species of your choice. (The Kivix language is mostly lost to time.)

Names. Contemporary Kivik names do not reflect the historic Kivix language. They are rather a testament to the Kiviks’ willingness to break from tradition and forge their own paths.

First names: Emm, Frey, Nissa, Jole, Sivo, Capp, Dee

Last names: Phosphine, Xanthine, Silazane, Chromyl, Selenide, Borane, Amylene

Size. You are the shape of a typical humanoid, making you Medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Technocratic. You are proficient in the Science skill, or a tool kit of your choice.

Troglodytic. Your species evolved from cave dwellers, granting you Darkvision (60 feet). You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

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