Session 9: Robots & Raptors

General Summary

  • Bailey, Callsign, Céad and Dee awake in the cathedral and leave the city to collect langasite for Arkesia.
  • You trek through a forest, and as dusk is falling you notice the body of an animal strewn off the path in a heap. But for now you decide to leave it be and continue on your way.
  • By now you've reached the broad coordinates given by Arkesia, but the scanner indicates no langasite in the vicinity; you decide to travel a bit farther rather than setting up camp just yet.
  • The forest thins and you reach a rocky area by nightfall; in the distance is a large machine that seems to be scanning the area.
  • You approach stealthily, ducking behind a boulder, and observe the large robot on treads.
  • Eventually, the sound of rocks moving emanates from the dark behind you, and in efforts to confuse and bewilder whom- or whatever is lurking there, Delta lets out a raptor call...and attracts the attention of the robot.
  • The robot attacks, along with three bandits who eventually reveal themselves from where the rocks fell. But you are able to dispatch the bandits, at which point the robot seems to stand down.
  • Unable to rewire the robot to join you, you collect all the langasite you need and then some, discovering another animal carcus nearby while doing so; it appears to be a dead Ghet raptor that the robot bludgeoned to defend the bandits.
  • On the way back into the forest, you catch glimpses of three Ghetzar (raptors) behind you as they drag the fresh bandit bodies back to the hills with them.
  • You set camp for the night, which passes with no issues, and spend the next day trekking back to the colony Impess.
  • When you arrive back, though, Sigori is absent from the cathedral, and the quest you asked him to finish remains yet unclaimed.
  • By nightfall he still hasn't returned, and you decide to search the room; what you find is a communicator with an anonymous incoming message requesting an "update on the subject," but with the connection severed.
  • You go to sleep and wake the next day to find that Sigori regrouped with you sometime during the night, and has not yet woken up. Some things about his appearance are "off"—skin texture that doesn't quite match that of a Verakor, nasal ridges that appear to be shaped unnaturally—and you wake him up to question him on recent affairs.
  • Of course, he's reluctant to reveal anything, but with persistence he removes his disguise to reveal an Ardonne, one of the progenitor races of the Verakor...and one that should be long extinct in Arcturus.
  • He's cagey about the rest of your questions, offering that he was still touring the beautiful colony last night, and that he did secure 70 cr from separate jobs here and there while you were gone. Finally, his story changes: instead of his "Verakor mother," Sigori tells you he is actually searching for a colleague he's lost.
156,072-40 - 156,072-42
Report Date
25 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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