
Children of Unity • Psychic Amphibian/Cephalopoid

The Verakor are an intelligent hybrid species residing primarily in the inner spheroid. Their homeworld is the ecumenopolis Giltred, though Verakor can be found nearly anywhere there is Network presence, and usually in large numbers. They have amphibian and cephalopoid anatomy and a high baseline level of intelligence, even boasting limited telepathic abilities.


Interspecial Perceptions

The Verakor are the face of the Unison Network, due not only to their history as one of the founding species, but also to their overwhelming representation in the organization's government and the great degree of overlap between their culture and the Network's ethos. Within circles supportive of Network ideals, Verakor tend to be admired or even idolized as paragons of cooperation and benevolence, whereas some of the Network's more vigorous detractors might hold prejudice against them, viewing them as nosy, haughty or naive. Most Arcturians recognize, however, that Verakor can be terrific sources of information due to their overwhelmingly pro-social nature.

Attitudes and Values

The Verakor exemplify the Network values of communication and collaboration. They tend to view themselves as the de facto representatives of the organization, taking great pride in the strides it makes, while feeling a deep sense of responsibility for its missteps. To serve in one of the many Network branches or agencies is seen by many Verakor as a great honor, and by yet others as a basic duty they owe the galaxy.

Beyond the particularly high value placed on collaboration and communication, the most prominent theme underlying Verakor society is the importance of making the most of one's life. Verakor children are taught at a young age to find a worthy cause to devote themselves to--one that, above all, will make Arcturus a better place. Only secondary to this are the prospects of natural talent or enjoyment of one's profession; Verakor who seem to prioritize these are usually thought of as selfish or lazy, or at least not exceptionally good people.

Societal Structure

Verakor tend to gravitate toward large metropolises. Idyllic rural environments may be seen as fun possibilities for a vacation or holiday, but not suited for long-term living. The dense populations and and rich cultural exchanges that cities allow make them the ideal habitat for a vibrant and meaningful life.

This line of reasoning is also applicable to raising children in Verakor society: the more people living in one's immediate environment, the more exposure one gets to a diverse array of values, traditions, and personalities during childhood. This is thought to produce adult Verakor with broader understandings of, and appreciation for, the galaxy around them, which is the greatest gift Verakor parents can give their children. Thus, Verakor children tend to be raised not only by their parents, but by any number of adults living nearby, and are given more agency than most other Arcturian youngsters.

It should be said that the concept of "Verakor society" is more slippery than most, as the biggest influence at work in Verakor culture is the value placed on reverence toward other cultures. This does not mean they have totally effaced their own culture--after all, this attitude of reverence toward others is itself, paradoxically, a particularity of Verakor culture. It mostly means that Verakor hold no particular preference toward living amongst their own kind, and tend to be content in any group of people that is not strongly tribalistic.


Verami (literally "song of one") is the evolved language shared by the two progenitor species by the time of their hybridization. It is taught to most Verakor in childhood, and regarded with some pride as the precipitation of their early efforts toward unison. However, it is almost never used in the day-to-day.

Instead, Widespread Proper is the language of choice in Verakor society; its near universality of access makes it far more conducive to a unified, communicative galaxy.



Verakor have the standard humanoid body layout, with a head, a torso, two arms and two legs. They have leathery, gray-green or brown skin, white-to-yellow eyes with horizontal slits for pupils, wrinkles on the forehead or nasal ridge, and telepathic ganglia on either side of the jaw near the edges of the mouth, which develop in size over the course of one's life.

They also have the vestige of a cephalopoid mantle, a firm, protective shell-like structure. Verakor mantles in particular flare from the back upward toward the back of the head. They are no longer hard enough to serve a protective role, but Verakor enjoy shaping them to suit their personal styles.

Aquatic Adaptation

As mentioned, the Verakor are descended from a cephalopoid species and an amphibian one, which originally gave them a general reliance on an aquatic environment. However, they have lived intermingled with predominantly land-dwelling species for so many millennia now that they have gained adaptation to dry habitats as well. Thus, they no longer rely on a wet or moist atmosphere for homeostasis. However, they have also lost the amphibian ability to deliver poisons through the mucous membranes covering their skin.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Verami and Widespread Proper.

Telepathy. You can have two-way telepathic conversations with sentient living creatures within 60 feet of you.

Age. Your species ages slightly slower than humans do, reaching maturity around 25 galactic years and living to be 100-120 at the oldest.

Names. Ovi, Kauttri, Loidi, Vesqua, Degtan, Endov, Osdin, Mardok, Quelig

Size. You are the shape of a typical humanoid, making you Medium size.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Water Adapted. You have a swimming speed of 20 feet. You breathe underwater as normal.

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