Chapter 2: Wakened from Dreams Report

General Summary

At Aunt Ida's potato farm on the Basilisk River, the Party awaken after a long night spent fleeing mysterious pursuers. Given a hearty breakfast of potato pancakes, potato bacon, and potato coffee, they recount the story of their strange encounters the previous night to Tater's Cousin Spud, who has not heard of the strange agents who attacked them,

The nameless fighter introduces herself as Finn Raven Wood, explaining the importance her people place on names and the earning of them.

Spud offers to take the Party by river to Ghelbride. A morning and early afternoon on his skiff brings them to town. Upon passing the ivy-covered gates, they spy a group of children crouched at the foot of the stone wall, burying a cloth doll. The children scurry off when they notice the Party watching them.

Led by a notice on the town square board, the Party go to Myrethorn Tower, where they meet with Telemon the duke's steward and Aungier, his court wizard and advisor. Aungier invites them, somewhat sternly, into a darkened room where he sees that Tater's, Finn's, and Brúni's eyes all glow with a ghostly blue, confirming not only that the Party had given faithful witness of the black-clad agents they had encountered, but that they had come in contact with arcane Grayfrost, which Aungier tells them is reputed to be the source or conduit of all magic in the world.

Aungier invites the party to the Five Rings Tavern, where he engages them on a contract to return to the caves to seek out more of the Grayfrost. He tells them that those who have been exposed to it display a knack for locating it again when it is close. This he demonstrates by hiding a magical pendant containing a sample of Grayfrost suspended in amber within a walnut shell. Because she was drawn to it, Aungier says, Tater selects it from among five empty shells. The Party agree to take up the contract on the condition that they are well outfitted for it beforehand.

Aungier departs and the Party mingle with the locals in the tavern. Tater draws the attention of Leda Besker, a bon vivant carousing with her entourage, though it is not a favorable meeting. Meanwhile, local noble and visionary, Eiger Rosetree, chats up Brúni and Finn, trying to engage them on a contract to investigate strange occurrences at an estate he had recently purchased on the moors south of town. They turn him down.

Promised free room by Aungier, the Party leave the tavern and head to the Argent Eagle Inn. However, on their way, they are beset by Leda Besker and her bandits, who mean to rob them and leave them for dead. A bruising fight nearly finishes the Party for good, but for the courage, luck, and resolve of the stout dwarf Brúni, who chases off Besker and ushers her companions to the inn.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Seeing Gray
Tater Swift
Finn Raven Wood
Report Date
18 Apr 2022
Primary Location


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