Ghelbride (Middle Common: [gel-braɪd])

Ghelbride is a walled town on the south bank of the Lys River near the Orphan Sea coast in Medheva. It is the largest settlement in the Kingdom of Vestia. At its west end is Myrethorn Tower, held in fief traditionally since the Second War of the Forest by the King of Vestia's eldest brother, or, if he has none, the king's eldest uncle. The town was founded by free merchants and tradesmen sometime in the sixth century, roughly the time the castle's cornerstone was laid. In the last several decades, it has begun to attract a cultural element, as now-established merchants and the rising influence of the Church have created a burgeoning community of artistic patrons.


The Duke of Mearstead holds the lands surrounding Ghelbride, as well as the castle at its center, and nominally governs the town itself. However, a council of aldermen is responsible for the civil administration of the town. These are elected from the local gentry, clergy, and guild masters. In recent years, the council has won limited autonomy for Ghelbride, including veto power in taxation and the terms of service for town martial levies.


The town of Ghelbride is quartered into four districts: the Trade Quarter; the Loom Quarter; Morningside; and the Merchant Quarter. All four of these districts adjoin Bridal Veil Square at the center of town. The rest of Ghelbride is comprised of Myrethorn Tower, the Ducal Gardens, and the small communities that have sprung up around the town's five gates.

The Trade Quarter

In this quarter can be found the tradespeople, artisans, and professionals of Ghelbride.
  • White Lilac Bath House
  • Blume's Steelworks
  • Burley Bowyer
  • Edison Tamhill, Physician

The Loom Quarter

This district is home to the town's renowned weavers, tailors, and seamsters.
  • Cartographer's Guild, Medheva Chapter House
  • Lamey's Clothier


The largest of the town's districts is home to a diverse population of laborers and producers. Here can also be found the town's three public drinking houses.

Merchant Quarter

Home to the traders and peddlers of Ghelbride, both rich and poor.


The namesake of Ghelbride is the ghoul's bride, an apocryphal figure reputed to have wed a ghoul at the spot that would become the town square. In some versions of the story, she is a noblewoman betrothed to a local landowner. When the landowner is murdered by a jealous brother who fears the loss of a potential inheritance to his brother's future children, the noblewoman makes a deal with a witch to resurrect her dead fiance, who returns as a ghoul. She captures the ghoul and weds him at a bend in the river Lys on what would have been his estate, now hers. When the ceremony is complete, she kills the ghoul, and then her former fiance's murderous brother.
Large town
Owning Organization


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