Chapter 3: Dressing Wounds Report

General Summary

Party awaken in the Argent Eagle. Talk to Sidney (Poitiers), a ranger, at the inn. He seems to know some rumors of the strange things the Party have seen. To Myrethorn Tower to stock up and supply.   On the road to the caves, telling stories.   Finn tells of how she ran twenty-five miles to warn her village of a coming orc horde. Their advance threatened the sacred nature that her people protected. Her people wiped out the orc warparty.   Tater: Sings a song, "once upon a time, a few mistakes ago..." about unrequited love for a man who was trouble, Jon the Bard. He said he was the mayor, had a pretty face she couldn't resist.   "Loyalty has its limits," Brúni says, telling hers next. She saw her parents taken advantage of for their loyalty, to the point of being doormats. Patriotism asks us to give more than it gives back.   Sydney: Tells a story of the first coming of southern folk into these lands. There was a farmer who did not plow his fields in straight lines, but in odd geometries, and they flourished. When neighbors grew jealous, they killed the farmer and took his lands. But instead of growing equally bountiful crops, their ill-gotten gains turned against them and grew terrible weeds that choked them and killed them during the next harvest.   The Party return to the stand of trees and wait until dark to approach. Find their way back to the back stairs entrance, but find a guard there. The guard has had his throat slit. They crawl past him and into the tunnel, to find elven runes. They trip the runes using the guard's dead body, attracting the attention of two elves inside.   The Party parley with the elves and their wizard leader, Iolas, who tells them that Aungier is not their friend, that he has ways of getting his amulet returned to him.   Iolas tells of the Grayfrost/Salitter, saying that it runs in deep veins that encircle the earth in a great web. He tells yet another version of the story of the farmer. In this retelling, he was an elven orchard keeper, killed by human settlers envious of his abundant land.   Sydney appears evasive after the group leaves the elves. He makes to escape, but is stopped and killed in a fight. Before he dies, he reveals he was working for Aungier, following the Party at his behest. Brúni kills him in cold blood.   "I didn't want to kill him." Bruni's death sentence.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sydney, human ranger
  • Iolas, elf wizard
Seeing Gray
Tater Swift
Finn Raven Wood
Report Date
01 May 2022
Primary Location


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