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Caddersian Trodaire

Caddersian Jolan Trodaire (a.k.a. Quarter)

Caddersian Trodaire, known to his friends as “Quarter,” was born in a small village nestled in the heart of a dense forest. His father was a hunter, and from a young age, Caddersian learned the ways of the woods. He could track a deer through the thickest underbrush, and his aim with a bow was unerring. But Caddersian was not content with a simple life in the village. He yearned for adventure, for the chance to see what lay beyond the borders of his home.   His chance came when he met Gabriel Galeseed, a charismatic and mysterious individual with a knack for magic. Gabriel had received a vision from his patron, Caeluriel, of a looming threat that could bring ruin to their world. Intrigued by the vision and the promise of adventure, Caddersian joined Gabriel on his quest to uncover the truth behind “the great threat.”   Joining them was Benjamin Kowal, a cleric and blacksmith with a heart as strong as the steel he worked. Benjamin was Gabriel's best friend. He joined Caddersian and Gabriel, lending his strength and skills to their cause.   Caddersian earned the nickname “Quarter” during one of his early adventures with Gabriel and Benjamin. They were trapped in a labyrinth, and the only clue to escape was a riddle that mentioned “a quarter’s worth.” While Gabriel and Benjamin were trying to decipher the riddle’s meaning, Caddersian realized it referred to the phases of the moon. He used his ranger skills to determine the current lunar phase, which was a quarter moon, and this led them to the exit.   Impressed by his quick thinking and unique interpretation, Gabriel started calling him “Quarter,” and the name stuck. It serves as a constant reminder of Caddersian’s resourcefulness and his deep connection with nature.   For a good chunk of the last 22 years, the trio has traveled together, for the last 12 or so years often with Gabriel's daughter Asira Galeseed and her best friend Turaye Arvore. Their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They’ve faced countless dangers, solved myriad mysteries, and grown from inexperienced adventurers into seasoned heroes. Yet, the “great threat” remains elusive. But with Caddersian’s tracking skills, Gabriel’s magic, and Benjamin’s strength, they continue their quests, determined to protect their world from whatever danger lies ahead. Their story is a testament to friendship, courage, and the indomitable spirit of adventure. They are a beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainty. They are the unsung defenders of the realm, and guardians of the future, selfless heroes of their time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before Caddersian met Gabriel and embarked on his life of adventure, he lived in a small village nestled in the heart of a dense forest. His father was a skilled hunter, and from him, Caddersian learned the ways of the woods. He spent his days tracking animals, learning their habits, and honing his skills with the bow and arrow. His nights were spent under the stars, listening to the sounds of the forest and learning its secrets.   Caddersian was known in his village for his keen eye and unerring aim. He could hit a squirrel from a hundred yards away, and his tracking skills were unmatched. But despite his skills and the respect they earned him, Caddersian yearned for more. He felt a pull towards the unknown, a desire to see what lay beyond the borders of his home.   His life took a turn when a group of bandits attacked his village. Caddersian fought bravely, using his skills to protect his home. The experience was a turning point for him. He realized that there was a whole world out there, full of danger and adventure, and he wanted to be a part of it.   So, he left his village, promising to return once he had seen the world. He traveled far and wide, learning new skills, meeting new people, and experiencing all the world had to offer. His travels eventually led him to Gabriel, and the rest, as they say, is history. His past experiences and skills have been invaluable in their adventures, making him a vital part of the team. His nickname “Quarter” is a testament to his resourcefulness and quick thinking, traits that have saved the group more than once. Despite the dangers they face, Caddersian wouldn’t trade his life of adventure for anything. It’s the life he always dreamed of, and he’s living it to the fullest.


Before embarking on his life of adventure, Caddersian was employed in his village as a hunter. His duties included:  
  • Tracking and Hunting: Caddersian was responsible for tracking and hunting game in the surrounding forest. His keen eye and unerring aim made him an excellent hunter.
  • Village Protector: When his village was attacked by bandits, Caddersian stepped up to protect his home. His bravery and skill in combat were instrumental in defending the village.
  • Guide: Given his deep knowledge of the forest and its creatures, Caddersian often served as a guide for travelers passing through the village.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Caddersian “Quarter” Trodaire, the human ranger, has a number of notable accomplishments and achievements:  
  • Master Hunter: Caddersian’s skills as a hunter are renowned. His ability to track and hunt game in the dense forest surrounding his village is unmatched.
  • Village Protector: When his village was attacked by bandits, Caddersian’s bravery and combat skills were instrumental in defending his home. His actions during this attack earned him the respect and gratitude of his fellow villagers.
  • Labyrinth Solver: During an early adventure with Gabriel and Benjamin, Caddersian solved a complex riddle that led them out of a dangerous labyrinth. This quick thinking earned him his nickname, “Quarter.”
  • Adventurer: For 22 years, Caddersian has been adventuring with Gabriel and Benjamin, facing countless dangers and solving myriad mysteries. His resourcefulness and skills have been key to their survival and success.
  • Guardian of the Realm: Caddersian’s ongoing quest to uncover and thwart “the great threat” is perhaps his most significant achievement. His dedication to this cause demonstrates his courage and commitment to protecting his world.
These accomplishments speak to Caddersian’s skills, bravery, and dedication. He is a true adventurer, always ready to face the next challenge and do whatever it takes to protect his world. His story is far from over, and there’s no doubt that there are more achievements to come.


Caddersian Trodaire


Towards Gabriel Galeseed


Gabriel Galeseed


Towards Caddersian Trodaire


Captain Porter Iverson


Towards Caddersian Trodaire


Caddersian Trodaire


Towards Captain Porter Iverson


Light brown-gold
184 lbs.


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