People of the Golden Mountain
Lords of gold and iron
The People of the Golden Mountains were the first settlers of the Golden Lands, beginning to settle around the time of the Second Primordial War. The first settlers of the region were dwarves who fled Romanorum following an up-welling of Primordial forces across the Eastern Continent. Sailing across the Golden Sea, they found a great mountain chain, which they named the Golden Mountain. There, these dwarves formed new halls and mining communities throughout the region centered around their capital Khazad-Geld.
From mining out these mountains, they were soon flush with gold and wealth, attracting new dwarven settlers. Following the Last of the Primordial Wars, the orcs came to find their own fortunes in the newfound Golden Lands. Quickly made unwelcome by the local dwarves, the orcs made their own nation to the north that quickly became their most hated foes, the Golden Khanate. To counteract the rising orcs, the dwarves invited humans to the Golden Mountain.
The People of the Golden Mountain are often haughty, seeing themselves as the sole inheritors of the riches of the Golden Mountain, no matter whose blood has been spilled to achieve the order or wealth of their kingdom. To this end, they have become master soldiers and superb craftsman to support and enrich their mountain fortress. However, their selfishness would soon come back to bite them. Many of the men the dwarves invited would leave or revolt, forming their own nation in the lowlands of Dunlain.
Today, the People of the Golden Mountain are almost entirely dwarves, but there are also a small minorities of gnomes, men, mul (half-dwarves), as well as a few orcs who are largely prisoner in the dwarven lands. Dwarves are treated best among their people, with any others being treated as second-class citizens, often kept in seperate and lesser townships throughout their lands.
Adventurers: Adventurers in the Golden Mountain are fairly rare. The People of the Golden Mountain are rarely a welcoming sort, and few seek life outside their wealthy and powerful mountains. Indeed, for those who do feel adventurous, most join the Heimag, the army of the Golden Mountain. Realistically, the most common adventurers of the Golden Mountain are from the mul and men of the nation, who stand to gain little under majority dwarven rule. These people, like others from their homeland, look to acquire wealth and power to be respected, or others remain fidelity to their homeland by tackling the threats outside the Golden Mountain that the Heimag can't reach.
For more information on the People of the Golden Mountains, see their main article here: Golden Mountain
Ability Score Modifiers: The People of the Golden Mountain are a hardy and enduring lot. Many more of them are fit and vigorous from soldiery or mining, while many others prefer to delve deep into myths and legends of their forebears, but most are a generally haughty and aloof people. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence or +2 Strength, and -2 Charisma.
Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) People of the Golden Mountain have a base speed of 20 feet, but People of the Golden Mountain of medium size speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Languages: People of the Golden Mountain begin play speaking Golden Mountain dwarven. People of the Golden Mountain with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common (Dunlain), Common (Romanoran), duergar (Haradrim), dwarven (Khazad-Mor), elvish (Magnosi), orcish (Golden Mountain), orcish (Romanoran). See the Language in the Dragon's Domain page for more information about these languages.
Stability: People of the Golden Mountain are steady and steadfast. They gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Healthy: From living in the tall mountains to working in the deep mines, the People of the Golden Mountains stay fit and healthy. They gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
Deep Settlers: The people of the Golden Mountain have learned to adapt to their mountain homes and the labyrinthine halls and mines of the dwarves. They gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Engineering).
Dwarven Eyes: The People of the Golden Mountain can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Hatred: People of the Golden Mountain gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.
Weapon Familiarity: People of the Golden Mountain are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Dwarf Blood: People of the Golden Khanate count as dwarves (as well as any other chosen) for any effect related to ancestry.
In order to keep potential new ancestries balanced, I used a "race point" calculator in an effort to create equitable ancestries. For comparison, a non-variant human is 9 RP.
A part of
Column of armored dwarves of the Golden Mountain.
Table of Contents |
Standard Ancestry Traits
Ability Score Modifiers: The People of the Golden Mountain are a hardy and enduring lot. Many more of them are fit and vigorous from soldiery or mining, while many others prefer to delve deep into myths and legends of their forebears, but most are a generally haughty and aloof people. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence or +2 Strength, and -2 Charisma.
Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) People of the Golden Mountain have a base speed of 20 feet, but People of the Golden Mountain of medium size speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Languages: People of the Golden Mountain begin play speaking Golden Mountain dwarven. People of the Golden Mountain with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common (Dunlain), Common (Romanoran), duergar (Haradrim), dwarven (Khazad-Mor), elvish (Magnosi), orcish (Golden Mountain), orcish (Romanoran). See the Language in the Dragon's Domain page for more information about these languages.
Defense Ancestry Traits
Stability: People of the Golden Mountain are steady and steadfast. They gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Healthy: From living in the tall mountains to working in the deep mines, the People of the Golden Mountains stay fit and healthy. They gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
Feat and Skill Ancestry Traits
Deep Settlers: The people of the Golden Mountain have learned to adapt to their mountain homes and the labyrinthine halls and mines of the dwarves. They gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Engineering).
Senses Ancestry Traits
Dwarven Eyes: The People of the Golden Mountain can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Offense Ancestry Traits
Hatred: People of the Golden Mountain gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.
Weapon Familiarity: People of the Golden Mountain are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Other Ancestry Traits
Dwarf Blood: People of the Golden Khanate count as dwarves (as well as any other chosen) for any effect related to ancestry.
Men are the largest minority group in the Golden Mountain.
RP Calculation
In order to keep potential new ancestries balanced, I used a "race point" calculator in an effort to create equitable ancestries. For comparison, a non-variant human is 9 RP.
- Standard Ancestry Traits: -1 RP
- Defense Ancestry Traits: 3 RP
- Feat and Skill Ancestry Traits: 2 RP
- Senses Ancestry Traits: 2 RP
- Offense Ancestry Traits: 3 RP
- Total: 9 RP
See Also
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