
The Umberport is potentially the first arrival of man onto the world of Ardicil. What was once a thriving port city between Volksgrad, Alton, and Suderland, the Umberport looks like a shell of the city that was foretold in days of old. The entire was designed as a maze. Thick stone walls form the maze, designed to prevent invaders from laying siege to the city. These stone walls now form the foundation of the city, where now the city operates out of honeycomb like structures against the walls. Some say they were designed by giants to fool the attacking dragons, while others say it was built by a race of men, taller and stronger than those that are seen now.


The folk of the Umberport are a hardy and proud stock. Humans are the primary resident in the Umberport, but a surprising number of dwarves and halflings also live in the Umberport. Elves, as with anywhere in Alton are also ever present here. Most here work on the ocean, collecting fish to sell and eat. Many are also stoneworkers, who craft some of the most stunning gems and rarities in all of Alton. The school also boasts a wide following of Talos, being home to the largest temple in Alton. Many devout followers find themselves here training to serve the Stormlord.


Like in all parts of Alton, a Duke serves as head of the Umbertown government. The Duke is a dwarf follower of Talos named Baldur Stoneshield, who was orphaned as a young boy, and raised by the Brotherhood. He left to join the military of Alton, a choice that many in the Brotherhood eventually take. He has returned, a Paladin in service to both Talos and Alton. He listens carefully to the Brotherhood's advice, and in turn, the Brotherhood spares no expense when assisting the Alton military in whatever they need.

Guilds and Factions

Brotherhood of the Maelstrom:   The Brotherhood of the Maelstrom are a blind hooded following of priests who serve the Stormlord, Talos. They are ever loyal, and maintain the temple of Talos in the city, as well as helping train Clerics, Paladins, Monks, and even Rangers. These servants work to not only worship Talos, but also protect the world from threats existing on other planes. Thus, the order trains Horizon Walkers, Paladins who take either the Oath of Vengeance or Devotion, Monks who practice the Way of the Four Elements or Kensei, and War or Tempest clerics. There are even a handful of Storm Sorcerers. While originating from Hedmar, this sect is one of the largest in the known world. They operate mostly independent from their fellow chapters in the world, and the upper echelons of their order are extremely secretive.


Stone walls carved into the cliffsides form the entirety of the Umberport. The walls are as old as man's time on this planet. Waves crashing constantly against the coast of the Umberport has done little to wear away at the strong standing structures that were established in days of old. Within the walls of the city, the structures are nowhere near as grand as the maze that came before them. They build in hives of wooden and stone buildings that hang off the massive walls of the maze built before them. Rope bridges hang four stories tall, crossing across the wide paths and channels carved into the stone. At the center of the town lies a large temple dedicated to Talos, one of the first known of its time. Servants of Talos, wearing masks and hoods that keep them blind, preach about the ferocity of the Stormlord to all those who live in the Umberport.
Location under
Owning Organization
Religion:   The primary diety worshiped in the Umberport is obviously Talos, however there is still a temple with a dedicated following to Torm, and smaller temples and worshipers of the Wavemother and the Coinmaiden also exist within the city.