Celestine the Brave

(a.k.a. The Sunflower Knight)

The Hero Saint Celestine was a champion of Tyr, the Watcher , and dedicated knight to the early blossoming city state of Embercross. It is said she was instrumental in the blow that helped banish the demon lord Mortarion, the Great Unclean One into the Abyss, but sustained such a wound that she perished soon afterwards, somewhere presumably in the vicinity of Celestine's Keep.   It is taught by many the Celestine now stands guard in the Fortress of the Sun, a shining, golden citadel that brings vibrant life to the limitless orchards of the Blessed Fields of Elysium. Forever protecting Tyr, the Watcher.   She now stands as a pinnacle of example to the Sancisant of the Triarchy.      


  Defender Shield
Divine Classification