Embercross Settlement in Ardicil | World Anvil


Embercross is the beating heart of the religious arm of the Great Rama Empire. Nestled within the city center is a interloping series of temples, shrines, cathedrals and places of worship dedicated to all manner of the Prime Gods. The largest of these cathedrals is dedicated to Tyr, the Watcher. The holy warriors here work alongside the imperial enforcers and leave to police all over the vast controlled territories of the Great Rama Empire.   The Sacristan of the Holy Column manages this city alongside the Imperial Governor, and is made up of chosen leaders from the worshippers of Tyr, the Watcher , Gond, The Wonderbringer , Chauntea, The Great Mother  and Torm, The Enduring Hand. These groups represent the largest groups of worshippers in the city. Many from all over the empire will make some kind of pilgrimage here, and it is here where the holy emperor is usually crowned, in order to obtain the necessary blessing from Tyr.
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