Dol Armoth

Dol Armoth was once an elven stronghold of an empire that came from farther north. However, when the Emprie fell, in part due to the fallout that has plagued the badlands since the War of Arcanum, Dol Armoth was the only holdout that remained. When it grew desperate for the leaders here, great warships sailed out of the stronghold, containing elven corsairs that had overthrown the stagnant dictatorship that formally controlled the stronghold. Now the new elven families poured out, bringing treasures back from the growing nations of men. It is said that these elves clashed regularly with the people hailing from The Fallen Empire of Khermi.   Now, the former stronghold has grown into a city. Headed by the Corsair captains of before, Dol Armoth is a great bazaar of all manner of goods. No god is turned away here, and laws here mostly pertain to violence and fighting within the city. Once you leave the premises though, beware the vultures looking for an easy meal. In recent years, as the badlands have come to heel under the Great Beast King in Anatar , the Corsair Captains struck a deal with the King , mutually beneficial to them both. The Beast King knows that he could take the city, but the Captains would flee on their flotilla, and make expansion beyond the borders of the Badlands nearly impossible. The Corsairs know this, but would rather stay fat and happy in their opulence in Dol Armoth.
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