Dragon's Teeth

The Dragon's Teeth in Lys are the most prominent sellsword company in the city. Because of this, they hold great sway with the politics on the island, and are paid quiet handsomely for their services. For being full of people who are willing to take coin to commit violence, the Dragon's Teeth are remarkably well disciplined. They had the reputation of never breaking a contract, which is quite uncommon among mercenary organizations.     The history of the Dragon's Teeth, or so they claim, comes from the infamous Wyvern Riders of old. It is said that these great warriors would ride into battle alongside the chromatic dragons with a fury that could match that of the dragons themselves. Acting as great bodyguards, advisors, and confidants, the Wyvern Riders had great renown and honor in Lys.     These days they act as both security and offensive arm of the city-state of the Lys, and mostly protect the interests of the wealthy overlords. However, any are allowed any to try and join their ranks, and thrive on a meritocracy within their own company, allowing the lowest born to rise to power. Indeed, this can be seen, as their current leader, Maegor the Young began his time in the city-state as a slave, fighting in the pit arenas for blood sport.   They are one of the most powerful players in the city politics, and the dragons of the Triarchy constantly vie to get their favor. They maintain the notion that they are peacekeepers, trying to keep the city in order.

We are the Fire

Military, Mercenary Group
Notable Members

Articles under Dragon's Teeth