Maegor the Young

Dragon Captain

Maegor the Young proved himself in the fighting pits of Lys. A slave brought here as a child, Maegor has known nothing but struggle his life. Upon gaining a name for himself both by his skill in the arenas, but also through his charm and good looks, the young Maegor was bought out by the Dragon's Teeth and soon rose the ranks over the past two decades. He now sits at the top of the sellsword company, having succeeded the half-orc who once held the position of Dragon Captain.    His skills as a Psi Warrior have shown through many times in the fighting pits, and the young fighter has proven himself time and time again as an extremely capable tactician both at land, and on sea. He distinguished himself at the Stepstones, where the young warrior held his own against a much larger mercenary force from the Golden Coast.
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