Golden Fields

The Golden Fields is named as such because of the massive wheat fields that surround the smaller town center. Most of the actual city is rural based, with only a small percentage of the population actually living in the town center. Most of those in the town center are merchants or one of the few breweries that makes the widely renowned Golden Ales of Preslia. During most of the season, the town is sleepy. Farmers only coming into town to trade or sell their goods, and with very few travelers coming in. Loggers have set up camps around the edge of the Crescentwood, bringing in some money for craftsmen and moving these raw resources towards Preslia.   During the harvesting season, the town population is filled with all manner of the rural folk to celebrate another year's excellent harvest. Many setup campsites and large tents, and thousands of travelers and merchants come into the Golden Fields to celebrate and peddle their wares. Massive festivals occur for weeks on end, with it all culminating in a massive show involving the burning of art pieces all throughout the town and campsites.


The local Publican is rumored to be a bit of a craven. He instead relies heavily on the halfling mayor who is elected by the people of the Golden Fields to run the town itself. This is fine by the people of the town, as they would much rather have someone of their own running the government locally. Most are fine with the tithes they pay towards the larger city-state, so long as the guards keep out of the business of the locals.
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