
Preslia is by far the smallest of the three siblings, in fact, this particular Polis is smaller even than Port Avrus, Akros and Compita. This being the case, Preslia has long relied on its allegiance with Greensburg, and its robust and stunning rural network. Where Preslia lacks in terms of population, it makes up for by being the hand that can feed the entirety of the Three Sisters.   Long since blessed by Chauntea, the land around Preslia is bountiful and rich. The largest temples around Preslia are those dedicated to The Great Mother, and every season, great festivals take place in her honor.   Preslians prefer finesse to brute force and appreciate cunning wordplay and fine fashions. It is known for a great bardic college and library located near the city center. Several inns stand ready to accept visitors, except in the busiest of trade or festival periods, when they fill swiftly. When the inns fill, many locals open up their homes to lodgers for a higher price.


Daily governing is in the hands of the Villam Council. The council is made up of the farming guilds, the trading guilds, the crafting guilds, and the bardic guild. Each has some collective power that is represented in the council, and their rule extends throughout Preslia. The most powerful of these is the Tri-wheat Guild, and they have long held the most influence over the Preslian state. Their interests mostly revolve around farming, and are happy to meet the other guilds requests, so long as they do not take away from focus.
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