Isle of Winds

The skies around the Isle of Winds are constantly darkened with arcane clouds and wracked with streaks of lightening that are anything but natural. Massive black towers illuminated in blues and greens reach thousands of meters up in the air, acting as rods for the arcane energy reaching from the sky. The waters around the the island are treacherous and chaotic, and spell certain doom for those who are not guided by a trained magic user. The actual island itself is rocky and barren, save for the great citadels scattered about, and the small city collected around the base of the Azrae Bastion, the largest of all towers.   The Isle of Winds is currently by far the most robust and intense of the magical institutions around Ardicil. Run by the illusive Illuminated Assembly, the island serves as its headquarters. Out of their holdings on the Isle of Winds, the Illuminated run a massive magical academy. Both geared towards research and education, the Conclave of Spheres is located within the Azrae Bastion itself. Some believe it is here where the original Blood Hunters were created. There is probably some inkling to this truth, as the biomancers of the Illuminated Assembly have extensive knowledge of almost all creatures in the world. There are also powerful magical forges located on the islands. It is rumored as well that the tunnels running beneath the bastion dig deep enough to reach the under dark, and there is a reverse tower in the caves nested below, studying the Plane of Earth.    Visitors are not usually permitted on the island, and you must gain permission from one of the Assembly members themselves. More often than not, any visitors are usually accompanied by a security magi.
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