Illuminated Assembly

The Illuminated Assembly's goals and activities are as varied and diverse as the members that call the assembly home. The Illuminated Assembly thirsts for knowledge, cherishes intellect, and speculates about the secrets of the multiverse. Shrouded in mystery and in possession of some of the most powerful artifacts in the known world, the Assembly does not crave power in the traditional sense of territory and control. The Assembly spreads its influence subtly, offering mages and consultation in return for influence and access to knowledge.   The Illuminated uses this widespread influence to further their own goals and research, often times seeking access to ruins from the Age of Arcanum. The Assembly also uses this influence to bring powerful magic users back to the Isle of Winds, in order to train and create more of their kind. The guild is made up of every kind of magic user, from arcane to divine, and even has a sect of powerful druids that serve the Assembly. They are organized into various factions of power, beginning at their initial education on the Isle of Winds. While the assembly holds very little territory, they have a presence all over Ardicil. From the explorers at Wako Sanctuary to the sages in the Silverrune Monastary , there are Assembly Magi found in all the corners of the world.   Some view them as peaceful observers, simply collecting knowledge about the weave of magic to send back to the Isle of Winds. Others view them as a nuisance, righteous meddlers sticking their nose in places they should not belong.    


The Illuminated Assembly's organization is a web of bureaucracy and conflicting political ideas. On paper, it is run by a council of the Assembly's most powerful magic users, but in practice it is shrouded in politics and power plays by the mages to one up each other and control more of the Illuminated. There are numerous different sects and spheres of influence that each wax and wane with power as politics takes hold, and discoveries are made. Some have said that it is meant to be purposely complicated and cutthroat, as too much cooperation could lead to another war against divinity.   What keeps the guild in check amongst it self is that it is lead by an extremely powerful Androsphinx known as Supreme Illuminated Taraxus. The Sphinx rarely involves itself in the politics of the Assembly, unless it deems necessary for the preservation of both Ardicil and the Illuminated.
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Illuminated
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Illuminated Assembly