Khar Darom

Khar Darom is one of the last remaining dwarven bastions on the continent of Varda. Found their roots in the Daromtorm Dwarven kingdom, Khar Darom is the castle of a still remaining bustling kingdom. However, there is no royalty left of the Daromtorm royalty. They were all killed in a peasant uprising many years ago, and the kingdom was replaced by the various dwarven mercantile guilds who took over control of the government. This has lead to the new guilds to form some level of oligopoly over the modern society that now exists over Khar Darom.   This had let to a disparity between the various wealth classes in Khar Darom, with the upper classes quiet literally occupying the upper levels of the city, with the best facilities while the poorer peasants are pushed to the dregs of the sub-city, often miles beneath any form of sunlight and clean air that isn't artificial. Massive foundries sit in the bottom of the city, pumping out goods that are sold all over Ardicil. These goods are some of the highest tech production that occurs, but it is mostly for simple tools, cheaper carts and wagons, weapons, and a thick tar like alcohol known as "Smog Juice".


The Undercity

  Miles below the peaks of the Tarot Mountains, nestled directly below the catacombs of the Forges below, likes the hive of hovels, favelas and a majority of the populations that is known as the Undercity. Members of the undercity were originally to be the founders of the Great Revolution. What is less told, however is that the leaders of the Undercity were presumably betrayed by the Clans on the middle levels of the city, who eventually became the Darom Guild Clans. This tale is only told in a hush however, as no one wants to risk the ire of the Enforcers, who keep the peace at the Behest of the Clans.   Most of the denizens here in the Undercity work below in the forge. Most of the others are either servants who work in the levels above, mostly in the Guild District up above. Many here are born into poverty, and usually the only way out of that poverty is by joining the Clan Expeditionary Force, which is the standing army of the Guild Clans, or by being born with magic in their blood and being admitted to the Solar Academy in the mid-levels.   The housing here is often stacked on top of each other, making piles of favelas and shacked stacked on top of each other. Usually built with recycled or gathered scrap and materials and waste from the Forges below and things that might fall or be stolen from the upper levels above. Many are built around the large pillars that support the upper levels above, forming "Mega Towers" around the base of these areas. These are the most highly policed areas of the Undercity, as any threat to the pillars is highly cracked down upon.     The Springs are the areas built around the base of various springs that once sat below the mountain, providing a thriving environment for local fauna. However, the springs have since been polluted by the forges for cooling their incredibly hot factories. Now shanties criss-cross over the bubbling black tar like pools that span more than one mile wide at times. With shacks and towers crisscrossing with various shanty bridges. It is here that most of the citizens live mostly away from the oppressive eye of the Enforcers, however the poor conditions above the pools is dangerous to live around, and a disease known as Lung Burn is prevalent around these areas.   The Catacombs are built into the various natural walls around the pools and the pillars, and is where most of the Undercity Lives. It functions mostly on a vertical level, with the buildings stacked along the walls one on top of the other.    

The Forges

  The Forges stand as massive factories buried beneath the floors of the Undercity. Sprawling in size, the foundries utilize the hot molten lava lying beneath the Tarot Mountains to power their industry. Workers from the Undercity and Managers from the Mid-levels work day and night, keeping the foundries functional all throughout the calendar year, and any infraction causing the slowdown of production will cause a harsh backlash by the Guild Enforcers. Facilities are mainly run by three of the five major Guild Clans from the Guild District above. Each manages a different monopoly over one of the various things produced down here, and encroachments on each others territories is regulated by the other two guilds, who manage transportation and security of Khar Darom.


  Midtown is where Khar Darom's middlemen live. Clerks, managers, bureaucrats, shop owners and military officers all emerge from this section of the city. It is said the the cogs that keep the will of the Darom Guild Clans turning. This is also where most of the Enforcers are recruited from. It is here that society might resemble that of the average town in Ardicil, with various small locally owned shops sprouted up, competing against some of the larger Clans stores that dominate most of the level.    

The Works

  Situated just above Midtown is the series of intricate engineering and magical architecture that powers the facilities all through the Guild District. Powering their sewer systems and magical lighting, along with heated water systems, artificial greenery, their massive transportation network, and even their service industry to operate throughout the district. This is one way that those from the Undercity can increase their status, even slightly and a handful of engineers are allowed to live within the Works, which has much better housing than the Undercity. However, is still just beneath the living conditions of Midtown.   The series of intricate magical and power systems are managed by the various Engineering guilds, who have maintained control over the works despite the attempts by various clans to seize power over it. This is partially because none of other guilds want to see one guild control the works, as it could easily put their rivals in a clear lead ahead of them.  

Guild District

  Home to the government who rules over Khar Darom, the Guild Disctict is opulent and beautiful to look at. An artificially created jungle, with fruit ripe for eating all year long lies at the center of the District, maintained by the magical engineers that man the Works Below. A massive bath house exists nearby, and is open to access by any of the various Guild Members residing within the Guild District. Various noble clans, uplifted by the Great Revolution with the mercantile power now intermingle with the wealthy nobility class that was not totally executed by the peasants below. It is the most secure of the entire city, and most traders tend to come through the Guild District to do business with the Darom Guild Clans. It is also home to the massive Guild Bank, rumored to be supposedly protected by massive automatons revived from the War of Arcanum.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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