
Laketown is a quaint city nestled along the banks of Mullerd Lake. The capital of Greensburg, Laketown is home to the Hall of Governance, which overseas the region around it. For the most part, the region is happy to be ignored by the larger nations around it, and they enjoy the relative peace and quiet that is afforded to Laketown. The city itself is large in size, but not so much population. Most buildings do not break more than three stories, and those that do are the infamous ale houses that the town is known for. The largest two buildings are the Hall of Governance, which is home to Greensburg Council  that oversee Greensburg, and the Violet Embassy, tied to the neighboring region of Parvus.   The area surrounding Laketown is made up of rich farms and pastures, and the lake itself is filled with fish and other aquatic sources of food. Many a day the lake itself is seen as a recreational place, being relatively free of most monsters, except at its most deep regions. The area is protected not by a large standing army, but a collection of rugged fighters who have volunteered to defend the town in its times of need. There are even a handful of expeditionary forces from Parvus that do what they can as well.   The primary trade of Laketown are their refined agricultural goods such as cheese, wine, beer and other fine crafts like furniture, intricate tapestries, and comfortable clothing.


The city is primarily halflings, but there is a significant minority of humans, dwarves, and gnomes as well.
Location under
Owning Organization