Lybara Concord

For many centuries the tribes constantly warred between each other. The Lybara Concord formed when the local clans in the region were united under the singular banner of the Zahabru Tribe in Manan. The leader of the Zahabru Clan at the time was supposedly a great champion of both Torm, The Enduring Hand and Gond, The Wonderbringer, and was blessed with a vision of the hellscape that would become the Khermi Empire.     Thus, they went to work uniting the clans, using both diplomacy and violence when necessary, bringing Pathik, Maztika and Dwarden to heel, just in time to use their united forces to beat back the advances of the Khermi Empire. Years later, the empire collapsed, and the people of Lybara were saved from the ravages that ensued.   Since then, the tribes have been left mostly to their own devices, but still pay fealty to the Zahabru Clan in Manan and thus must pay taxes towards the Sovereign of Lybara. The Zahabru Clan understands the necessity of being united however, and makes sure the other clans still benefit from the Concord as a whole.    The military of the Lybaran Concord is known as the Enduring Sentinel and the local policing force is known simply as the Sovereignguard.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

Articles under Lybara Concord