
The Stepstones are a series of mostly rock swept and barren islands. Those that do contain some level of vegetation are filled with dangerous fauna and quickly-changing weather. They have remained mostly unoccupied by civilized people, save for handful of pirates, outlaws, or hermits otherwise trying to avoid the prying eyes of society.   However, they are incredibly mineral rich, serving as a contested land between the Golden Coast , Lybaran Concord, Lys and Straatos. This has lead those inhabitable islands to become a contested battleground for the varying political entities around them, and many a sellsword or soldier has lost their life on these islands fighting over the precious stores of residium underneath the soil.   To add to this, they are home to pirates and privateers, eager to make a quick coin off of the bloodied victors on the island. Many of these pirates have learned the ins and outs of these islands, and use them to ambush passing merchant vessels only to disappear back behind the rocky crags and stony shores. It has recently come under control of the infamous medusa crew known as the Stonehearts.
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Included Organizations