Malak, the Everchosen

Malak, the Everchosen. A name given to him when he was able to unite the tribes of Volksgrad under his banners, with goals of expanding further throughout Northumbre and the rest of Ardicil as a hole. But the story of this conquerer has humble beginings. Malak was an Aasimar, supposedly guided by a solar of Tyr, the Watcher. He stood for lawful society, and was supposedly trained in the halls of the Watcher in Middenstag. He had been raised from a babe in those halls, and it was shocking when the news broke that the halls had been left bloodied and Malak had fled the city. It was also noted that he fled with artifacts that had been locked away since the War of Wrath.     For years that is all anyone knew, with no word on the lost son having gone. It was not until a dragon rider had been spotted raiding the northern forts of Suderland and Alton did they put together that this was Malak. He had bent the will of two black dragons to his cause, and had garnered the forces of the mountains behind him. It was not long before his dragons were spotted over Blacktyde, where he hired a force so large it was enough for him to unite the rest of Volksgrad. Now the two nations stand unified in alliance, turning their eyes on the rest of Olorin. Some even state that raiders have been spotted hunting for more magical weapons in the Thousand Eyes  His invasion of the Wastelands has consumed his attention now, seeking out the power lost there during the War of Wrath, while he works along Kraken Lord Bashag the Reaper planning their invasion of the southern lands. Each has gained the favor with one god or another. Some claim it was Malak's doing that created the alliance between Angband and Blacktyde, which has greatly worried those in Alton and Suderland  He has since surrounded himself with magi and oracles, champions of all kinds of gods and the most curious of creatures in Norsca. He seeks the secrets of a world past, and his loyalties to divinity are not entirely clear.
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