Mesian Army

The Mesian military is formed of wandering bands of warriors (drawn from the lektoi families) known as stratians. Outside the walls of Mesia, the stratians camp in the forests and fields, hunt game for food, and train younger warriors as they go. Their tasks are to search for monsters that have strayed into Akroan territory and to protect travelers.   Alamon. Rugged forces of wanderers patrol Mesia's borders, defending against invasion or attack by monsters that dwell in the mountains, foothills, and badlands around Akroan territory. They are armed and armored for speed and agility, allowing them to move stealthily and strike unexpectedly.   Lukos. The most elite forces among the stratians, the so-called wolves contend with threats that the Alamon can’t handle alone. After the guerrilla tactics of the Alamon have softened up a target, the heavily armored Lukos march to finish the task.   Oromai. The watchers are the guardians of Mesia who protect the fortress from invaders and maintain order within its cities, towns and villages.
Military, Army
Parent Organization